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Bit of a noob to PC building and parts, looking at getting a amd ryzen 1600 and a asus...


James Cooper

Bit of a noob to PC building and parts, looking at getting a amd ryzen 1600 and a asus strix gtx 1060 6gb card with 16gb of ram @3000mhz ddr4, and I am just wondering if this could play 4K ? I always play 1080p but would like to do some 4k gaming aswel

Mike Dalton

Not to sure u may have screen tearing and depends on what quality u okay like eg. Ultra high low settings

Sirajul Muttakin

Look get a ryzen 1200 and 8gb's of ram and a cheap motherboard and get cheap on other stuff and get a GTX 1080 with this build you'll be able to play on 4k smoothly on medium or sometimes on high

Steven Marshall

Try and wait and get a gtx 1080. Maybe find a used one where someone is upgrading to the gtx 1080ti.

My old gtx 1060 6gb was perfect for 1080p 60fps but you’re wanting to go to 4k down the road. Best to plan ahead. A 1080 will last you a long time.

Pang Xuan Yang

If you want to do 4k on a budget,go for 1070

Steven Gunnoe

4k is rough and the 1080 imo would be the minimum and it'll struggle as the 1080 ti still struggles on a lot of games at 4k.

Paweł Piwowar

On medium/low no problem, even stable medium 60 fps on 4k

Jacob Peters

4K is a very demanding resolution. Even with the settings dialed way back, you may not be satisfied with that systems 4K performance.

Do you have a 4K monitor or panel? To be honest, 1440p resolution on a 4k display still looks very good, if you're willing to compromise and run @ 1440p, i think your system will suffice.

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