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PC As a Destiny PC/Console player, I find the term peasant to be a bit harsh. We all are...


Devin Ashcraft

As a Destiny PC/Console player, I find the term peasant to be a bit harsh. We all are gamers here. Spread peace not hate.

Hector Javier Flores Jr.

My dude I'm a PC gamer but PlayStation will be in my heart forever. I'll be the first to admit that the term peasant is very much accurate for console players.

Dick Goezinya


Jordan McMurray

I just let my Xbox live account run out. It's been active since Xbox live's inception. It's just a progression. I couldn't go back now.

Lynn C Furr

people are just upset of how big of a gap it is for pc release. i haven't owned a console since the first xbox, and i get jealous myself, especially when i'm missing out on games like this to be released or sony-ip's like horizon zero dawn :'(

Darin Ferraro

I miss all my PS4 Destiny buds. We spent hours and hours together.. but most are going PC now so ... YEAH

Victor Vasquez Jr.

lol PS4 is in my heart but I sold it for my monitor and console peasants will be peasants especially when someone told me to get an Xbox because it's a "real mans game system" I told him go back to weenie hut jr

Jeremy Scheffler

How a out unclean?? We can use the term unclean or maybe even abomination.

Ryan DePonty

Please explain the idea behind the term peasant and it's relation to console gamers?

Ryan DePonty

Whoa what I am I playing on PC

Joseph Ward

Been wanting to say something like this since I joined this group. Well said

Arthur Franzen

To be fair, the term itself doesn't really makes sense, seeing how consoles may well cost more than a low/mid range PC once you factor in the cost of Live/PS+ and the dire lack of decent discounts in console games.

It must be said, though, that PC is indeed a far superior platform for gaming, not only due to it's ability to be upgraded over time and go beyond what any console is capable of to date, but also because the way a console controller works forces console games to be dumbed down versions of what they could've been.

Just look at how slow console D2 looks compared to the PC version, for instance. It's unthinkable to prefer playing a FPS at 30 frames, with clunky controls and aiming with a thumb stick when you could be playing a more fluid and better looking version of the game, which also happens to handle MUCH better.

So yeah, while the term "peasant" isn't accurate in the sense of consoles being cheaper than any PC, preferring to play on consoles indicates, at the the very least, that your decision is biased towards an inferior option.

Simon Loraux

Yeah that's right, it's a bit harsh for the real peasants :/

James Scott

Let then eat cake!

Devin Ashcraft

Wow. Didn't realize this post would get this much traction. I have a very nice PC gaming rig. Xbox and PS4.
My soapbox is that we all have played on a console at one point or another, most of us have made the switch to PC. Think of this. When you were on console and couldn't afford that dream pc (someone said they saved for years to get one) how would you have liked it to have a fellow gamer be toxic towards you because, a. You couldn't afford pc, b. Didn't realize that the system was a better experience, or c. You were under the misconception that pc gaming was complicated. These were all my excuses before I got into pc gaming and never looked back. I also was hesitant because of all the "pc master race" bs I didn't want to be part of. I agree that pc is the best graphically, but socially wherever your friends are is the best system.

Jeremy Scheffler

It really is a toxic argument and typically both sides have a share of ignorance to their supporting reasons why one is better than the other. However, console fanboys typically are far more ignorant when attempting to bash PC players.

In a logical, everything on paper sense, PC is far superior to console, it's not even a competition at this point. Also consoles themselves are getting more expensive as time goes on. So in the end, the whole "Console is cheaper" argument is slowly becoming invalid as soon enough the price to play on any platform will be the same.

My argument has always been this: Don't build a PC to game, but if you need to build a custom PC, build it for gaming. Initially I built my PC because I use Unity Game Engine, Autodesk Maya, Blendr, Keyshot, Zbrush, and Adobe Master Collection 6. So I built a gaming PC for even though these programs are demanding, they are nowhere near as demanding as most games today. So by building a rig that could run any and all games at ultra settings with over 60fps means it can do my everyday work tasks as well.

With that said, I also own a Xbox 1 and played on a 360 for many years, I play D1 on PS4, and even just bought a Switch as well as owned Wii and Wii U because I needed my Mario fix. Each and every platforms brings something unique to the table and I can understand why someone would choose a console over a PC, but we all know there's no denying that a PC is far more superior in every single way.

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