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Xbox One *ARAGON ROLEPLAY XBOX SERVER* "King Henry of Aragon was the Greatest King in Aragon’s...


Joe Daden-Tapp

"King Henry of Aragon was the Greatest King in Aragon’s history but when he died after fifty years of ruling, his great kingdom was divided into two realms by his feuding children, each wanting the crown and lands for themselves. At first his children ruled together peacefully but after a dark Feud the two Royal's declared war on each other and so the country was divided. Now both kingdoms and their people fight to remain the strongest in Aragon... but it’s not just the kingdoms who are fighting to win the war, the Bandit Forest has also risen in strength to right against both Kings, and Claim victory for themselves. Who will win? You get to help us decide by joining our Aragon story.
Aragon.RP is a New strictly only Roleplay Xbox one Ark Server. Nicely Boosted stats offering fast build up, fast Breeding & taming! We have Simple Server Rules, The Server is about Roleplay/Fantasy Ark Play and I strongly encourage players who want to build villages and towns for trading to join our Server. I was one of the owners of the very popular Ark Roleplay Server “Hootwin” and aim to grow amazing community of Roleplayers on a single server, which is run by a very experienced admins.

★Server Settings★
►Harvesting x4
►Breeding x20
►Taming x5
►XP x100
►Unlimited weight/Crafting
►PVE Traders/Merchant Island
►Kingdom DLC Tame Breeders
►Fantastic Community of Roleplayers
► ORP switched on. You’ll have to steal face to face.
►8 Player Tribe Limit
►The Centre Map, Primitive+
►Xbox One UK Hosted Server
►24/7 Running Xbox Server!

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