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Anyone want to play some Overwatch on PC today? I want to get to level 25 today to...


Jessee Bane III

Anyone want to play some Overwatch on PC today? I want to get to level 25 today to play comp, I just bought the game today and already up to lvl 11.

Xavier Sarault

don’t play comp as soon as you are lvl 25, give it some time. play until you’ve found a proper main, developed a proper aiming and learned how to function as a teamate first. then you can hop on comp.

Jessee Bane III

I own console and play PC at a friends house a ton so I am not your average lvl 25

Donny Juan

ez bronze ez life, you better wait with the qp until you learned how to play

Summer Hanson

i can probably tommorow

Craig D'Costa

Dude no offence but wait till you hit at least 50 if u wanna get placed well or u can enjoy elo hell, people blaming cause your lack of experience etc, trust dude its nothing against you but people will find any excuse to blame

Mike Borggren Eilsøe Larsen

Dont play comp before you've understand and know the game and the games basics to the fullest. And you really need to remember that its a team based game. If you think that your chance for 1v6 is 10% I can say that is zero. 5v6 is hard you'll lose 70% of the time. 4v6 you'll lose 85% of the time. This counts without ults. But wait with comp until you're atleast lvl 50 or maybe 70-80. My advice, Im lvl 1253.

Ricky Guinn

I played comp the second i hit lvl 25 in season 1(got to 70 tgen diamond in the next seasons). Dude just play it, overwatch is not hard or complicated at all. If You've played cod or halo you can play overwatch. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to o
Press a button or figure out counters

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[email protected] ー add me iam a tank player with Dva and also good at pharah and hanzo need to team up for skill rate

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