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PC Anyone know how/if we can enable the winter event on an unofficial server? Been on...


Shelby Dollar

Anyone know how/if we can enable the winter event on an unofficial server? Been on google but haven't found any info.

Jarrod Freeman

WC removes the updated content once the event has ended so it can't be cheated in

Shelby Dollar

Update: Looks like this can not be enabled on my servers due to how this years event was set up. Bummer! Thats alright though lol.

Shelby Dollar

"Unfortunately, we can't enable the event on your server. The reason we can't is that it is not a command line flag. It is actually a beta branch that would have to be separately downloaded from Steam.

What this means is we need to download an entirely separate version of the game from Steam for anyone who turns the option on. Ark has never done this kind of thing before -- all prior events were just enabled for everyone, or controlled with a command line flag (like -vday).

Therefore, I'm totally unprepared. Our system works by just downloading the game from Steam once onto each machine, and then copying that into everyone's home directory. This was designed to go faster and save bandwidth, but it means that we can't just download a different branch from Steam for a particular customer. I would be happy to change the system, but since the event is only running 2 days, it'll be moot by the time I'm done.

Sorry, again! I wish they'd given us more notice about how the event was going to work.


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