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Xbox One Anyone have a good pvp rag server with orp. Boosted


Connor Jensen

Anyone have a good pvp rag server with orp. Boosted

Zach Davis

Now clustered with the island

Joe Farrar


Harrison Holdway


Xavier Kirkland-Bates

Dark Side of Ark Life is a 24/7 Nitrado server UK based, with admins crossing two time zones to help players!

We run a full 24/7 PvP no rule sever server with a twist. During the week structure damage is reduced and orp is added then at weekends it's all out PvP

Some of our stats are as followed: harvest 30x, weight 10x, taming 100x, xp multiplier 7.5x, mating 0.5x, egg hatch 50x, maturation 40x, and resource respawn is at 0.5x.

We also have flyer speed increased fuel, fuel consumption reduced, ALL TEK unlocked so you only need to do boss fights for the element And aberration dinos natually spawn and soon we will have custom drops with aberatiom materials and much more.

Our Community Center has multiple crafting stations, indy forges, along with a hatching area for your use at any time. We have a maze set up for events, changing weekly, boxing arena, and much more to come. Multiple admins means multiple events, drop parties, and someone always there to answer questions!

We will be selling boss packs, kibble packs.

Let us give you a place to play and not worry about the "ban hammer" as we won't ban you ever we will just hit you back like you hit us.

Starter packs are available, just post in the chat or in the group - and we will help you out as soon as possible!

Request to join our Facebook, Dark Side of Ark Life, and start towards being Alpha on our server!

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David Poulson


Shane Anthony Peter Farmer

Can check us out if you want to!

I mean it’s not for everyone, but for that percentage it is for... really like it!

Facebook link to share with others:
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Harrison Holdway

New Nitrado Server
⚫ ArkPVP2018⚫

Ragnarok server !!

- 20 Stone Pickup
- Instant Tame
- Extremely fast breeding
- Egg Hatching speed 200x
- Extremely fast raising
- Guaranteed 100% imprint
- Max level Character level 122
- Max wild Dino level 300
- all engrams unlocked
- No admins
- New servers coming this week!

Bryan Murphy

Mythology Ark Pvp

Ted Kubiak

Ark Doctors. Rag, center, and island. Boosted. Custom drops.

Becky Jones

King Of Kings

Melee Damagex2
Movement Speedx5

*Cool Admins!
*Store! Raid Insurance Packages! (See our notes for information about The Store, Ask about Packages!)
*Fast Respawn On Dinos & Harvesting!
*Longer Day Cycle!
*While it is frowned upon there is no rule against the killing of passive tames, protect your dinos!!!!!
*No Offline Raiding! (ORP is on.)
*You must leave AT LEAST TWO tames alive when raiding a person's base (per base).
*No base wiping UNLESS it's The Purge.
*Monthly 24hour/48hour Purge where Offline Raid Protection will be turned off, Base Wiping & Killing Of All Tames Will Be Allowed Within the time period.
*Don't raid the anything that belongs to the admins.
*NO building by arena, maze, store, community things or close by/in spawn points!!!!!
*2 Community Fishing Spots! Community Taming Cages! Community Oil Pumps!
*NO PVP at fishing spot, if someone is fishing! Let a man fish in peace!!!
*You are allowed to have more than one base but if you decide not to use one of your extra bases, take it down!! Same with an structure, that you're not using anymore. Someone else may like to use that spot.
*There Will Be Either A Weekly Or Monthly Event!!!!!
*Yes, we are a PVP server! Yes, you can raid! But No, we are NOT a hardcore PVP server!! We don't want assholes!! If you like to play hardcore PVP, this isn't the server for you!! We want to have a fun, healthy, competitive environment.
*Be Mature, Have Fun, Follow The Rules & Kick Some Ass!
*New players, please message me on here or on Xbox Live (FireFox1219). If you need help, have more questions or you want metal tools, weapons, some narcotics & a griffin.

(Just search for King Of Kings on Rag under unofficial PC sessions. Look on the Session List and where it says Session Filter choose Unofficial PC Sessions or you can join my game if I'm on: FireFox1219)..

Harley Aris


Aberration will be coming soon

PVP has a 1 week build up so there is no raiding straight away

Exp x6
Taming x20
Harvesting x10
Egg hatch x12
Mutation x12

Starter includes:
thyla - centre
Griffin - ragnarok
asc flak armour
asc pick
asc hatchet
asc cross bow with 100 tranqs
forge (the stone one)
ind cooker

4 player tribe limit

We also have a :
Community centre
Event arena
Fishing hole
And lots more to come

Events will be held atleast twice a week

So come join our ark community and enjoy your ark experience

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Tanicia Miller


Chad Workman

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Admin logging is enabled and working

Island has ORP

Christian Cecil

Eu servers have orp

Randy Moody

If you tired of the laggy nitrando servers and admin abuse add macserver profile, this is a boosted server xp 10 ,taming 10 weight 10 and gathering at 8 there are no admins active on server except to do dino wipes and maintenance on server also that means there are no starters this is a server for real ark soldiers wanting to play the game the way it's meant to be played with less grind, again add servermac profile and wait to be added and then have fun you won't be disappointed.

John Mason

Are you a solo or duo pvp or pve player? This server is perfect for you.

ArkNessMonsta Nitrado Server

Ragnarok and The Center PVP/PVE Cluster (2 player per tribe max - single player PVP is possible here). Some on the sever are just PVE protected by a white flag rule, so great PVE builders are welcome, too.

-2 active admins who have been playing the game since it came to Xbox and 2 assistant admins(these servers are here to stay)! ADMINS DO NOT PVP, SO THERE IS ZERO ABUSE.
-Community Center
-Dodo ball court
-Battle darts arena
-dodo fighting arena
-horse racing track with jousting area
-Scavenger hunts, Red Rain, and many more events
-prizes include nice loot, harder to tame dinos, and dinos not found on the map
-dolphin races
-much more

Everyone on the server is friendly and helpful. Experienced builders will love this server, and we'd love to have you! A starter pack will include metal tools, a pike, and a Saber or Wolf. Joining our discord is encouraged if joining, because this is how we primarily communicate on the server (restarts, events, shenanigans, etc).

The server is light-to-medium boosted.

-No foundation wipes
-No attacking or Raiding PVE
-Tribes who have just been raided get 5 days of raising white flags after showing proof of the raid. Kibble refunded for lost tames to help get back quicker, for the tribe that was raided... not the attacking tribe
-No bronto or diplo tames
-Some Aberration dinos manually spawned on both maps

Player max level - 100
Wild dino max level - 150
XP- 5x
Stats per level for players - 3x
Stats per level for tamed dinos - 2x
Taming - 5x
Harvest - 3x
Food and water drain - .25
Egg hatch - 30x
Loot quality - 3x
Fishing - 3x
Baby mature - 30x
Infinite weight

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Part 1 of a recent server tour. Subscribe to TLC 138 if you like Jade Plays Games server tours! Also look up Missy Prime for amazing tour and build videos!

Part 2

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