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Anyone else try LA Noire, Rocket League and Doom? I was gonna play Doom some more, but...


Adolpho Beliver

Anyone else try LA Noire, Rocket League and Doom? I was gonna play Doom some more, but I’ve already past First Echelon and don’t really feel the need to rank up anymore.

Now I’m just exploring 1940s LA and it honestly looks super-detailed when the Switch is docked. Rocket League, meanwhile, is plenty fun and the local play works great. Kind wished the split screens were wide screen instead of being split down the middle. Alas.

Ivan Corral

Rocket league does look like fun and doom is great both single player and multiplayer as for la noire haven't tried it yet but will be picking them all up sooner or later

Chris McAtamney

I like horizontal split screen better too!

Jonathan Kennedy

I don't have it on switch, maybe I will in the future. But I believe there is a setting to change the split screen on PS4? I know I've played it horizontal with friends.

Forrest Presley

cant find a way to change the splitscreen either. i got doom, la noire, and rocket league as well as batman and i got skyrim coming on friday.

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