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PC Any us server guilds active and looking


David Mason

Any us server guilds active and looking

Luc-Eric Proulx

Check out our #Destiny2 clan!
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NA guild

Michael Garcia

¯\(°_o)/¯ So what's up gamers? Are we going to start a village and build an empire, create a monument, a beacon of light for gamers to come and feel part of a large army of gamers? Are we ready to conquer many unknown lands filled with savage monsters; encounter new obstacles and create memories with our newly forged alliances and friendships...or are we going to allow the dark forces to encroach and enslave our gamer brethren to be torn asunder?

In 1958, William Higinbotham, a physicist, invented the first game called "Tennis for Two". Technology wasn't ready to be widely distrubuted but he had a dream! That 2 or more players would enjoy a game together. The year is 2017 almost 6 decades later. We now have the technology. We can build it faster and stronger. "If you build it, they will come." A famous quote from the movie from the "Field of Dreams" (1998) Where the premise of the movie is about building a baseball field and forming a great baseball team against all odds.

I don't know everyone here personally but I do know a gaming community was built for a reason. So grab your controllers, keyboards, headphones, VR gadgets, and let's become stronger together! Alone we are dangerous but together we become [Dinomite]. The evil forces grow stronger. No matter what world or galaxy awaits us. No matter what hero we take control of. We must remember that even pixels need saving! We must guard our honor! Protect our people, and respawn points. We must look those pixels in the eyes and say ,"Not today scumbag!" Gaming has evolved. It is time to evolve how video games are played. Join the fight today! We rise and our enemies fall!

PS: The power is at your finger tips. Only you can press that join button and start your journey.

☑ Start my journey
☐ Allow the dark forces to take over

1) Join the steam group:
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2) Find the discord on the front page

Brody Strock

Raiders for the nine we are super active almost always at least 4 of us on at any given time

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