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Xbox One Any rag servers with starters? Well boosted


Scott Bevan

Any rag servers with starters? Well boosted

Nick Garza

Avengers of the Ark

Ian T. Baione

Server Information ~ please read

New server looking to populate


***Any player joining the server/page must msg an admin their name via Xbox or post their gamer tag in the group. This is strictly for admins to better be able to communicate and identify with you.***

-Admin commands shown
-Tribe limit 8 members
-No foundation wiping
-Cave flying enabled
-Must join to join server
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-Remove tame traps and any unused structures
-De-spawning loot is allowed ~ so be quick when raiding
-Castle is admin headquarters / Jail House and Fishing Area (Coords: 20.6, 34.4) (off limits for pvp)
-No building in Artifact Caves (structures will be destroyed)
-Offline Raid Protection is enabled ~ 20min period before it kicks in
-Bronto / Doedic Harvest is being monitored ~ if it causes lag harvest will be turned off
-One Bronto per tribe...anymore than this and they will be killed on sight
-When in community areas Tames must be set to PASSIVE to avoid accidental losses/fights
-White flagged buildings are community zones... ZERO TOLERANCE with PVP in these zones
-Do not upload data. It's turned off. Anything uploaded to ob or drop will be lost
-Purge weekends ~damage increased ( Sat-Sun)

- Admins do play on this server just like everyone else

Harvest x 6
Tame x 10
Breeding x 10
XP x 10

Starter pack
-Ask for admin and meet at the community centre for your S.pack (Castle)
-Choice of lvl 50 Griffin or 150 Pteranodon with saddle, metal pick and axe
-One per person

Server is a US based server
Saint (Ian) , Uzy (Josh) , Vix (Dakota) Hostile (Wyatt) , Krieger (Emma)

Any problems you want to discuss post on the servers FB page, Not the admins personal pages
There will normally be more than one of us on but please be patient in waiting for replies, we work and have family's

P.S. Despite this being previously mentioned on the page, we'd like to make it clear that admins will be participating in raids.


Brandon Whiteman


Map: Ragnarok
GT: NorthernArk123
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NorthernArk123 is a full PVP Player Dedicated server! We've been to Scorched and The Island awaiting Ragnarok to drop! In that time we've tweaked and finally got our stats the way we like them!

Admin logging is enabled and the admins only use commands for dino wipes, that's it. There are no starter packs.


Each new tribe will be under the white flag policy, 48 hrs of grace. This only protects your base, outside your walls in open world you're fair game. If you have your white flags up and raid someone your grace period is automatically gone.

Stats: Harvest 5x XP 4x Breeding/Mature/Tame are all high!

Player and Dino stats are boosted but not crazy!

Trolls will be dealt with accordingly.

Admins are legit PVP players as well, we can raid or be raided. We grind and play just like you, that's why logging is on. If someone kills your passive Dino's or raids you and you get upset don't run to us.

Thanks all and hope you have a great time! Server is live and fresh!

Dillon Drummond

Add on xbox EvilMist3387378 boosted insta tame Insta level insta breed

James McLaughlin


~ Project Eden Pvpve ~

24/7 Ragnarok server

Lightly boosted - low stats but taming, maturation up a bit!

Currently looking for more PVP players only! (18+)

Daily Dino wipes

Friendly admins

Starter pack available-
* Tappy
* Metal tools
* Crossbow
* Spyglass!

Maximum tribe of 5!

- Please request to join, read description, pinned post and comment your gamertag, IGN and tribe name in the comments and then an admin will pm you the gamertag


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Mason N Michelle Gallivan

Arks Darkest Night - PvP 24/7

Taming x10
XP x2
Gathering x8
Baby Maturation x12

Tribe Limit: 8


Builder Pack - Lvl 75 Anky - 1 Metal Tool Set - Stone Hut
Survivor Pack – 75 Wolf - Fur Ghillie or Flak Set – Pike
Taming – 75 Argy - Crossbow & 100 tranq arrows – 100 Narcotics

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We will be back up tm we live in FL

Jeremiah Schwartz

Starters are noob. If you want try this. Spawn to jungle 2 (blue obelisk) and break wooden crates on beach they contain metal tools

Nicholas Barton


Zach Nunn

I am looking for 5-10 survivors to test out my new server for a week or so before. The intent is to get the stats just right before I try to get it going in full force. It is a 24/7 slightly boosted PVP server. There will be no starter packs, BUT when the server fully launches, you will be greatly rewarded.
I also will be setting up dinos in various locations across the map (theyll be technically my tames in neutral so they wont KOS) with various loot on them. I will be setting up raid bases for everyone to try at, and I will be doing events when I have time. To include, but not limited to.... bounties on other players. If you like drinking from the skulls of your enemies.... Join the facebook group and with your GT and IGN in the comments of the pinned post. Stay fly.

Server Gamertag is: TTLANARKY

*Current Server Stats (Subject to change with YOUR input*

Gathering- 4
XP Multipliers- 5
Taming- 20
Breeding- 10
Maturing- 10
Egg Lay- 10
Breeding Wait Time- 0.01

*Player and Dino Stats*

Player Weight- 50
Dino Weight- 10

Player HP- 1.5
Player Stamina- 1.5
Player Oxygen- 10
Player Movement Speed- 10
Player Damage- 5
Player Fortitude- 20

Devin Ahern

That's kinda contradicting if it's boosted you shouldn't need a starter lol

Conk Half

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Chill pve weekdays boosted everything and a starter pack

Dale O'Connell

Anyone looking for a ragnarok server on the xbox? Look no further full pvp great admin shop open 2 days aweek starter pack and a great community your server hoping days are over this is the server for you
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Scott Van

Hey I am a faction leader on slight boosted 24/7 sever I am recruiting for my faction as I own green it's a new sever no admins except to dw and uphold rules .. join the page or Xbox group as well as if u wanna join me pm me I have included in for of sever and map or faction area

It's not role play
Welcome all
Map- Ragnarok
PvP faction
Stat info
Mateing interval is about 4 between
No admins just for dw and enforce the rules

Pve zone at plateo above castle with cave under it ( will get corridnates) this is a store town ship and is strictly pve area if u attempt or raid this area u face base and take wipe if they pve players here are outside of this area they are on a PvP map so must protect urself.

Faction will be at each ob red, blue,green ask in-game for ur current faction leader to meet at ob for allie
Must Allie with faction or u are considered wastelander
The waste lands build anywhere except PvP nuetral zones
Wastelanders can try to take over or conquer any faction
Nuetral PvP zone- will be wyvren spawn area and ice loot cave any artifacts in opposeing faction will have to be traded for
Tribe limit will be 4 must Allie with faction
Up to each faction to set up faction area (border faction defense). Unless wastelanders
We do a starter pack of a Tera and metal tools

Faction leader can be challenged in a faction civil war gladiator event run by admin
Join Xbox group DinoLandUSA

Anything just ask
Join the fb and or Xbox group DInoLandUSA

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