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Xbox One Any highly boosted Aberration severs?


Westin Williams

Any highly boosted Aberration severs?

Chelsea Cooper

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Nick Rosado


Jesse Worthington

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Shey Harding

Hey guys!
In 10-11 days I will begin hosting a 24/7 server and was requesting a new name.
(Best name will win Admin or A full supply of Gear & Tickets to free tickets to shop items)

Server Hosted from Australia

Stats will be as follows;
20 x Pickup
Infinite x Weight & Oxygen
0 x Stamina Drain
10 Health p/Bump
10 or less fortitude
Fast x Taming, Egg hatch & Baby maturation
Small Breeding Interval

•Events will be held
•Admins PvP (Only with real gathered gear, I will monitor)
•Admins can be raided unless said otherwise.
•Grace periods may be offered but not preferred.

•Rules are in place to keep the server running smoothly

•General rules

1.Enjoy yourself

2. Don’t cause mass issues.

3. New tribes will have 2 hrs Grace by default
(This will be marked by !NewSpawn! In the tribe name, admin will punish you for exploiting this privilege)

•Raiding Rules

1. Our Server is PvP

2. Constantly raiding the same tribes can and will be seen as trolling. You will be punished
(Forcing PvE against strong ass Dino’s, losing results in open base i.e Admin will open your base to allow all to raid)

3. Attacking !NewSpawn! Tribes will result in the loss of a 25% of your tames and that tribe will be insured and fully compensated for their loss.

•Shop Rules

1. Shops are Strictly PvE Only

2. Shops will have a basic currency which will be decided at a later time. Trading may also be acceptable.

3. Shops are always welcome to recommendations.

•Info on the admins

1. Admin will be split into 2-3 areas (In one tribe)
(This ensures we can reach your area in limited time to assist in all that’s needed)

2. Admins are players too, we’re trying to have fun while allowing others to get together and play.

3. Admins will not tolerate Admin Abuse Claims
(If you suspect abuse report to the host)

4. Abuse towards admin is not advised, do keep in mind we run the server and me being the host, I respect everyone until you disrespect me and my “staff”.

5. Admin will keep tabs on those who prove their respect and cooperation, You will be rewarded.

We understand that these rules seem a lot but the help to keep the server running smoothly.
With full cooperation with admin your stay will be pleasant.

(I have hosted before but my console has broken and will be replaced in a few days)

Any further questions feel free to message me.

Rachel Elizabeth


Christopher Bartolomucci

Arkjunkiez fresh servers

Nitrado pvp cluster!! Aberration RAGNAROK
The island

Starter packs included!!

Boosted stats with infinite weight!
Great admins who run events such as jousting, scavenger hunts etc
A shop to buy high end dinos and gear
What more do you want?
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Jamahl Michael


We keep it bloody in the WZ,we want your tribe big,well defended and agressive! We host daily events and allow you to choose your prizes so as to provide you what you need to be competitive

We put an emphasis on organized and scheduled PvP so you can expect to enjoy all your hard work.Offline raid protection through the week, We remove O.R.P. for the "bloody weekend"

4 servers in the cluster with plenty of places to build!
Server names:
WAR ZONE ISL (The Island)

FEATURING:Daily Events
Indoor PvP arena
Outdoor PvP arena
Death Maze
Naval warfare arena
Fishing Dock
Server store & currency
THIS is an adult 18+ community with a zero tolerance policy on whining
Password protected so no random trolls
Lots of tribes recruiting in server

There are not many rules in the WZ,but the community has a unique way of dealing with folks who demonstrate a lack of class and or sportsmanship.pick on small tribes and fresh spawns you expect to be hunted to extinction.

Don't get me wrong,We have some extremely talented PVP players in server and most of us are downright bloodthirsty savages,I'm simply saying you will have the chance to build up and we all believe in online PVP.

You can expect to be REWARDED HEAVILY for being a loyal WZ player or recruiting new players and tribemembers.

WZ will NOT CHANGE OR WIPE.The servers are prepaid and will not shut down prematurely

For admission and more details check out our FB community

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In closing.....That's what I'm offering,a community! This is more than just a cluster of servers,we are attempting to break the mold of ark's "salty pvp" and give folks a chance to have fun for an extended period of time. JOIN US!

Calvin Schultz

Great time to join! ORP is enabled till after Christmas. Come get built up fast

Adult ran
No admin bs
50 slot Rag, Ab, Island
Great rates
High pop
New tribes and recently wiped get a bubble for a week

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