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Xbox One Any dedicated 10x server where admins dont do anything any map pvp


Tyler Browne

Any dedicated 10x server where admins dont do anything any map pvp

Michael Sjaardema


Michael Sjaardema


Daniel Williams

Planet ark box

Daniel Williams

Try it out pretty chill

Tyler Hicks


Jacob Epley

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Hello fellow Arkonians!!!! The Schmidt Kingdom server is now open to the public. The stats have been fine tuned for perfection in grinding. Tribe limit of 7. You must join the Discord app to receive the server gt. This app is free. The tribe of Valhalla has created a welcome center for new players to get started much faster than usual. Starters are Arge or Ptera. Each with tools in them. The currency will be human hair and animal trophies. The hosts are a Husband and Wife duo who also admin. They will be the only admins!! :) There will be 2 week Grace periods for all new tribes. As long as you're in your base you won't be messed with, but outside it's all free game. We have about 8 people who have already been on the server for a few days but have all agreed to not mess with any new players whatsoever. I myself will be willing to help when I'm on. We're wanting to make this server fun for any and all players. Trolls will be dealt with swiftly and aggressively. So if this has peaked your interest please join the Facebook page on this post or add me as a friend and I'll give you any information you need. As always Happy Arking folks!! PVP!!!

Philip Testa Jr.


Robert Larocco

GAMERTAG: Ark Realm Est
Taming 10
Map: Ragnarok
Gathering 10
Crop growth 2.5 ( build a greenhouse)
Resource respawn instant
Player weight 1point = 300
Server type pve/pvp
Egg Hatching 100 have food ready
Mature 10
Mating 3.367 3days 7hours
Baby cuddle interval multiplier 0.699 2:30min
Poop inter 3.1
Cave flying: on
Player harv 0.6
Dino hp regen 3.0
Player hp regent 3.0
Player food water drain 0.6
Join our Facebook group Ark Realm EST
Rules in
1.Clean your trash: all broken down buildings must be removed by the tribe that owns them. The administrator will force claim Foundation and place a sign on it and give it a kill date.
2.bashing the server publicly in chat or any other public site will get you immediately banned from the server.
3 6 p.m. Sunday night till 5 p.m. Friday night is PVE any PVP action during this time will result in loss of base. All dinos out in the wild that belong to a tribe are not subject to this rule.
4. Absolutely no brontosauruses are allowed.( could change on (Ragnarok)
5. We are equal opportunity server discrimination against someone's sexuality, religion, or disability or Race, will immediately be ban.
6. Inappropriate tribe names or player names you will be asked to change it
7. PVP days are Friday night 6 p.m. till Sunday night at 6 p.m.
8. The community center is not a PVP Zone.
9. Allegations against any tribe must provide proof.
10. We will be switching to the rentable servers mid September.

Gerard Mckee


Angel Matthew Dovalina

I have one that's boosted and dedicated

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