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Xbox One Any boosted PvP aberration servers?


Luke Smith

Any boosted PvP aberration servers?

Luke Smith

Tye Smith

Luke Hall

Search nymps bro. Great community too
5x to stats.
Player and Dino are stock

John Baughman

ELITE ARK Xbox server 72 hr protection to new tribes events to come later on dif x25 300 turrrets in 6k unit area instead of 10k unit are x20 xp x400 tamin x 38 harvest x2 turret damage x20 hatch x15 mat x3.5 loot x10 fishing starter includes 4X4 stone base prim tools an armor an a journeyman crossbow map is aberration will cluster with a rag soon

Jamahl Michael

Right here!!! Check us out!


We keep it bloody in the WZ,we want your tribe big,well defended and agressive! We host daily events and allow you to choose your prizes so as to provide you what you need to be competitive

We put an emphasis on organized and scheduled PvP so you can expect to enjoy all your hard work.Offline raid protection through the week, We remove O.R.P. for the "bloody weekend"

4 servers in the cluster with plenty of places to build!
Server names:
WAR ZONE ISL (The Island)

FEATURING:Daily Events
Indoor PvP arena
Outdoor PvP arena
Death Maze
Naval warfare arena
Fishing Dock
Server store & currency
THIS is an adult 18+ community with a zero tolerance policy on whining
Password protected so no random trolls
Lots of tribes recruiting in server

There are not many rules in the WZ,but the community has a unique way of dealing with folks who demonstrate a lack of class and or sportsmanship.pick on small tribes and fresh spawns you expect to be hunted to extinction.

Don't get me wrong,We have some extremely talented PVP players in server and most of us are downright bloodthirsty savages,I'm simply saying you will have the chance to build up and we all believe in online PVP.

You can expect to be REWARDED HEAVILY for being a loyal WZ player or recruiting new players and tribemembers.

WZ will NOT CHANGE OR WIPE.The servers are prepaid and will not shut down prematurely

For admission and more details check out our FB community

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In closing.....That's what I'm offering,a community! This is more than just a cluster of servers,we are attempting to break the mold of ark's "salty pvp" and give folks a chance to have fun for an extended period of time. JOIN US!

Jamahl Michael


Jo Hill

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Jo Hill


Alexis McLeod

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Hannah McLaughlin

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Brody Evans

Join TrippersARK cluster today.

Laid back PvP with Offline raid protection on.

Current maps are:
- The Center - 20 slots
- Aberration - 20 slots

Next map will be: Ragnarok

Taming x15
Breeding x15
Maturation x15
Gather x15

We offer:
- Arena events on The Center (with prizes like Aberration tames and items)
- Underground Dodo Fighting (UDF) on The Center
- Aberration wilds on The Center
- Scavenger hunts on Aberration (Once fortnightly)

Starters are:

- The Center: A Griffin
- Aberration: Hide armor and a Raptor.

What's to come:
- Ragnarok
- Community Center in The Center
- Broodmother Mondays (here's another reason to hate Mondays)
- PvE White Flag Rule.

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Megan Russ

Ark Sanctuary New Cluster Server Join Today! PVP Xbox One cross-compatible with Window10
Host in charge of maintenance has been running Dedi Servers for two years.
Maps: Aberration 32 slot, and Island 32 slot, with more maps planned for the future.
All maps will have PVE community centers, complete with Green House, Bank, Stores, Hatchery, Forge and Grinder
Server setting 4x official with boosted breeding/hatching
Start Kits 1 per person up to three per tribe.
120 Tame of players choice(Anything a Quetz can carry in its claws or smaller)
150 Charge creature of players choice, or Dung Beetle for Island
Metal tools, all Master Craft Quality,(Pick, Hatchet, Pike or Sword and Shield, Crossbow, Scythe, Long Neck and 50 tranq darts, 100 narcotics, canteen)
Smithy, 2 Forges, 4x4 stone base and two beds, and large storage cabinet.
Join the Facebook Group Please, find the post about Tribes and Player names please post your in game name, gt and tribe name.
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Ciaran Collins


Mike Wunder

Come join THE BEST PvP server on Xbox One, hosted by Nitrado. We have a cluster server with access to ALL 5 MAPS, a great community, regular events including tournaments and a monthly Purge, slightly boosted yet balanced rates and plenty of room for everyone! Here are some of the stats I get asked the most about:
Harvesting = 5.0
Taming = 9.0
Leveling = 3.0 (Double XP for Crafting and Killing)
All Player Stats Doubled
Weight = 5.0 (Players and Dinos)
Hatching Speed = 9.0
Mature Speed = 12.0
Mating Interval = 0.3
Offline Raid Protection (Except on Purge Day)
ORP Timer = 900 (5 Minutes)
No Starter Packs
No Admin Abuse
If you're interested in joining, check out our Facebook Group page for more information:
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If you'd rather watch a video of me explaining everything you need to know from server rules to how you connect to the server, here's that link:
If you're looking for a quality server with an active community and a responsible admin, come give us a try! Fellow YouTubers and streamers are ALWAYS welcome, just don't spam the page! :)

Hannah McLaughlin

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James Mackey

Welcome to Ark Server AUS/NZ
FB: Ark Server AUS/NZ
2 Cluster Server
Ark Server AUS/NZ (32 slot Ragnarok)
Ark Server AUS/NZ Aberration (20 slot)
Racism or hate talk will result in an instant ban
Are you sick and tired of building up and grinding just to be admin wiped or getting wiped by admins buddies then being blocked or banned for calling them out?
I have personally experienced this myself and it SUCKS!
Well look no further!
We have the server for YOU!
AUS/NZ based nitrado server
Low population so plenty of prime real estate!
A few established tribes
Looking to populate!
No admin no bs
Full PVP
No set rules just be respectful
10X Gather
Boosted stats
Unlimited weight
Unlimited oxygen
Boosted loot drops
Transfer enabled between clusters
Low cave damage
Clipping enabled
Boosted breeding
Instant tame
Boosted crop growth
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