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Xbox One any boosted pve serves with a decnt mature rate and gather


Jack Ramsay

any boosted pve serves with a decnt mature rate and gather

Aisling Nolan

check us out, long running community, pvp and pve.
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20x mature

Jeanette Johnstone

Arkadia Cluster boosted Server RP PVE PvP. Join our races to dominate the land on the Center map and battle it out on our weekly battles whilst enjoying the fun of PVE! We have Bush Berry Seed Currency coming soon to loot drops and given as prizes at our events hosted by the admins.

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Marianne Husted

Welcome to ScreamsinWoods (Xbox one server) on Ark Survival Evolved.
We're a Slightly Boosted Pvpve Server on the Ragnarok.
Gamertag is ScreamsinWoods.
Msg Queen Adorbelle to get a invite.

Pvp players: Want to pvp against other players, Must put a white flag outside or on your base, that you want to pvp against other tribes.

The Community Center and barn is at 19, 25
Community Oil Pump is at 30, 40.
Community Center is where you get your Starter pack and your in game money of 1k Black Pearls. You can buy dinos or items in the market with the Black Pearls.
In the Community center, we'll have message board for daily or weekly events and challenges or giveaways. (Will be posted on facebook page too).
Want to set up a market, We'll have a place where you can set it up.

*Starter Pack:
Dino: Thylacoleo Lvl 136
Companion pet: Choice of Featherlight, Bulbdog or Shinehorn: Lvl 136 (gender and color is your choice).
Tools: Hatchet, Pickaxe, Sickle, longneck rifle, 50 Rifle Ammo and 100 Nacro.
Clothes: Hide Armor
In Game Money: 1k Black Pearls.

1.) Dino's Hunt- Admins will post on the dino that we're looking for, and you will have to go look for the dino
2.) Colored Wild Dino Hunt- Will spawn a colorful dino in the world, We'll post pictures but we wont tell you the located of the dino.
3.) Dodo and T-rex death match fight- The dodo or T-rex will fight to the death, the winner will get a prize of 500 black pearls.
4.) Jousting Arena- Horse with Lancer, Each horse will have a color paint brush on it and a saddle, Two players will try knock either off. Winner will keep the horse and win about 150 black pearls Their will be 3 rounds.
5.) Raptor/Horse/Turtle/Lizard race- There will be a track made for these dinos, will be 3 laps. Winner will 150 black pearls.
6.) Tower Defense- Part of the map we'll close up for this event, your tribe will build up a tower with some dinos that you want to fight for you. You have a hour to build one tower up. The admins will give you Armor, And weapons to take down the other Tribe tower. The winner will get a spawn in dino and 500 black pearls. You can keep the dinos that the other tribe have bought to the fight and you can keep the armor and tools that the admin have gave you.
7.) Paintball Wars: Traq wars, Clothed armor will be given too you before it starts.

1.) Female and Male Bronto per tribe (No harvesting)
2.) Player name must be Fantasy or a realize name. No name such as Human, Jane or Bob.
3.) Under the pinned posted, you put your gamer tag, In game name plus your tribe name.
5.) No building in Artifacts Caves, Cave building and Building on Supplies drops.
6.) Offline Raid Protection will be on.
7.) Don't Leave your dinos on wandering or Massive Breeding, When you go offiline.
8.) No Spam Pillars or Foundations Building, where other players can build.


Server stats;
Difficulty level x1
Structure damage x10
Taming speed x10
Dino harvesting damage x10
Harvest amount x10
Pve structure decay period x50
Pve dino decay period x50
Laying eggs x6
Egg hatching x6
Baby mature x6
Baby imprinting x6
Crop growth and decay x2

Tamed dino per level:
Weight x5000
Speed x4

Tamed dino add per level;
Weight x5000

Players stats per level:
Weight x5000

Crafting skill bonus x1
Supply crate loot x5
Fishing loot x5

Conk Half

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Conk Half

‍ Welcome to Planet Express Dino Wars ‍


No PVP at all
No resource or artifact blocking
....that's pretty much it


Each week I will put up a list with small tames, carnivors, and herbivores.
You have a week to breed the best out of those dinos.
They will fight in the class they fall in. I.E. all carnivors will be in one battle.
If you win you reserve your spot in the final battle at the end of the season of dino wars.
Battles will be on Saturdays and Sundays.


♀ Boosted droops. Kibble, element, and aberation goodies.
♀ FAST taming and breeding. You are able to imprint.
♀ Helpful and generous admins. This server is meant to be laid back with a common goal of breeding the best. So admins don't mind helping you out here and there.
♀ There are events throughout the week as well so you have plenty of chances to win some prizes.
♀ Tell unlocks at level 70, and all aberation engrams.

Join the Facebook and put your info in the pinned post

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Logan Marshall


Amber Howard

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There Be Dragons is a PvE Nitrado Hosted Crossplay server on Ragnorak that keeps players in touch with the grind without spending their lives accomplishing nothing.

We will be using a BBS currency that will be established as the community grows to buy high tier items from the admin store, or from other players. We strongly encourage player trading but sometimes what you really really want just cannot be found by the average trading Joe.

Stats are posted in a photo album off of the Nitrado dashboard.

Build, Tame and Rule the Ark.
Be the Survivor you always wanted to be.

Erica Monjeau

I have a fresh XBox Ragnarok server on a cluster of island and center (soon to be abb as well) that is very open to solo players and small tribes, builders, large tribes... really anybody! Servers are paid for the next 6 months and will continue. I have over 1400 hours of admin experience on PC and Xbox and have come to love these server stats. Low enough for difficulty but high enough to remove tedious. Ragnarok server is closed currently to dino and item transfers to keep a level playing field. Us admins even started over with ground mounts and ground exploration for fun. We do not permit behaviors such as spawn or obelisk blocking or fields of pillars. Other than that, have fun!

Logan Marshall


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