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PS4 Alot of people might not agree with this but there was like 50+ bug fixes on the...


Craig Dodge

Alot of people might not agree with this but there was like 50+ bug fixes on the update and there gonna be like 50 more on the next.
In my opinion the server I help run with my close friend is now running alot smoother over the past 2 weeks before the update the server would go down 3 times a day and lag like hell garenteed, it's been 2 days it went down once as she was moving her playstation.
Ragnarok has been pushed back to the 29th of augast, so what everyone is looking forward to it time to suck it up, this gives wildcard and the team developing the map to edit bugs, to extend the map so it comes out the size of the island. Then they can stand expanding the rest.
I'm not a humoungus fan of tek, but they got some neat stuff and to anyone wasnt complaint the other day would have noticed there was a tek raptor
Did anyone notice alot of the textures have changed? Or that there's reflections on the water? Or the sky has changed?
I love this game as much as anyone else does, I also get pissed of aswell as anyone else does.. But i know aswell as alot of other people this will be worth the wait.
So I say well done wildcard your a pain in the fucking ass but this update was good and Thank you for making the server run better.

Ian Jackson

Lol its already bigger than the island..the extra part theyre working on is same size as the island

Ian Jackson

When its finished it will be 4x the island and 2 times the center

Jessica Servidori

I can't wait for Ragnarok. It's huge

Alex Buckle

Our sever has done nothing but roll back and crash before and since the new update I think there just winging it now praying more buy the game so they can fill there of sure banks and then claim bankruptcy

Nicole Bely

I've decided to wait until release day to play again. I would rather the bugs get fixed

Randy Surrette

Yeah im ready for all the updates to be over and for all thr crashes to cease. This game is my favorite of all time

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