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Xbox One Admin abuse seem to run rampant on the dedi servers? Why is that? Ive had at least two...

  • Thread starter Oskar Pettersson
  • Start date

Oskar Pettersson

Admin abuse seem to run rampant on the dedi servers? Why is that? Ive had at least two guys answering my lfg post with asking if i can make them admin cuz theyl bring people to the servers and they know all the comands jadda jadda jadda. Why would i ever make someone that i dont know admin and give them the possibility to completly ruin my server, are people really that stupid that they do this? If so im not surpriced admin abuse is an issue...

John Swisher III

Eh most people want something to blame for sucking at playing ark lol.

Jade Hibbert

I've had this so many times! Lol

Oskar Pettersson

How do you mean jade?

Blake Perez

Some of the reasons admins abuse is due to their really boosted server settings, and spawning in items for themselves. They get bored, and abuse. Plus, there are a portion of hosts who host because they are horrible at pvp and need the commands to be able to be somewhat successful at it.

Gabriel Walsh

You should be more concerned with your spelling. Not the admin abuse epidemic.

Chelsea Cooper

ok, let's define admin abuse, destructive behavior to harm another or to abuse power given to them by a command to hurt and to be a "god" or ruler above the little people.

that being said on my server I abuse too in a sense in my com center that is for public use there are unclaimed aberration shoulder pets unclaimed and available for anyone to pick up and have a new pet. Or right now there are three vaults unlocked each one has leech blood, rods, and honey inside there for the all-day fishing event. or another example ill go in spectator and give people max lvl jerboas that they can tame so they can get higher lvls then the level ones in the wild. but im quite open about when i need to use the time of day cheat to see if the lights are to bright on the water at the fishing arena and i will ask if its ok first. so yes in a way i do "abuse" but i keep my server health in mind and my 900+ people seem to be ok with what i do so not every host is the same were not all power hungry the good ones are out there and we still use commands and our people are ok with it

Kenneth Marcantel

I don't give most of those claims of admin abuse any credibility. Admin abuse is an ambiguous term. What seems like abuse to one person looks a lot like justice to another.

Brittany Christie

So that's how you spell jadda :D

Joey Ceceña-Evers

People come to my server and ask as well. I even had one ask for the admin password... umm no you idiot I don’t know you I don’t trust you and just NOOO. Then they continue to ask. If you haven’t proven yourself on the server and show over time you can be trusted then no. People just don’t get the amount of power you have when you give them admin.

Matt Pester

Too many dumbass squeakers on ark

Centree Meyer

But your an asshole if you just don’t have admins and tell people to play the game as is.

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