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Add a hero who shrinks... Imagine during an intense fight, the payload stopped...


Liam Sacris

Add a hero who shrinks...

Imagine during an intense fight, the payload stopped moving and enemies can't find that little guy.

How small? Like Reaper's shotgun shells. While being small, he has a speed boost

Ultimate ability? He can increase his size into a giant. How big? Like the Mondatta's statue in King's Row.

Weakness? His Ultimate cannot be activated in closed doors or small rooms. And also while being small, his health will decrease and he can be taken down by one shot

Weapon? A semi-automatic pistol. Now imagine if he increased his size, his pistol will be like an artillery.

Adib Dimassi

Someone is watching ant man

Antonija Paušak

what would his damage to the enemy be tho? cause i can't imagine that the very smol bullets would kill a giant enemy

Kenn Escaño

Winston gon counter this lil homie

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