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With this Bitcoin craze and the GPU prices I understand there are passionate opinions...


Ryn Knze

With this Bitcoin craze and the GPU prices I understand there are passionate opinions in the matter. However, anyone I catch flagging/reporting a post simply because they disagree with it will be muted and or removed. Express yourselves and speak with tact and maturity and keep an open mind.

Kevin Ganser

Oh gosh where to begin.
1 Unstable market? Its been growing exponentially. Sure dips and corrections happen like in any market. Unless you are trading then you set it and forget it.
2) Overley inflated rates? Are you talking about rates at exchanges or valuation compared to the dollar? Your assumption is that todays values are overinflated based on what? Look at the history, people have been saying that about bitcoin since its inception. Its adoption is exploding especially in countries that are A) On the technological edge like Japan and Korea, or B) atht eh cusp of hyperinflation Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil.
3) Smart miners are selling like crazy. Really? Have you looked at successful miners portfolios? Because the successful ones were smart enough to use fiat currency which when compared to crypto currencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin are worth less and less as time goes by. If you started out selling ethereum to pay for electricity back when it was worth 240 usd youre kicking yourself in the ass right now. It makes way more sense to buy less hardware and pay for your energy consumptionin fiat then to sell off mined crypto.
4) Read a book, how about look at a graph? Valuation has exploded in the last year. The entirety of the blockchain rests on the mining what makes you say it will go away? The applications of blockchain technology are endless from car traffic control to virtual economies in video games the applications are endless.

This technology is going to permeate every level of society in the next decade. From Samsung linking IMEIs onto the blockchain, to Bitcoin IRA's in investment banker portfolios. To notaries being completely secured and authenticated on the blockchain instead of in physical libraries. Governments are even integrating their budgets to the blockchain to guarantee transparency and fight corruption. And these are JUST the 1st generation applications. 2nd and 3rd generation applications will be completely intuitive and imperceptible. Things will just work, buy something at the store? Its unique ID will show up in your inventory, If someone steals it people will see that object grow red on their augmented reality glasses. Car use will be time and route dependent and algorithms will charge you based completely on supply and demand, Their AI will be run on neural networks powered by decentralized GPUs and payment will be automatic.

Basically anything that uses some sort of AI computing power in the future will be on the blockchain. Smart contracts, IFTTT, and the consensus of all participants is a huge development for humanity.

Slade Emberie

spank me daddi

Justin Smith

suggestion: if somones post is deleted by a admin, you should PM telling you deleted post and why.... you know bc some ppl might knew they broke a rule?

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