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Who wants to do a skid comp!!!!! Rules: no idiots you will be kicked Green: Line up...


Cody Beau Midolo

Who wants to do a skid comp!!!!!
Rules: no idiots you will be kicked
Green: Line up
Red: Entry to the pad
Black: pad
Blue: exit from the pad
Yellow: were everyone parks once you have done your burnout and wait for the next Rd.

If you hit a wall or slip and mess up gearing and come to a stop you have been disqualified exit in the red and try your luck next time each round goes for 1min unless you get disqualified
Scoring: for best tip in, best hoops, good figure 8's and most importantly how close you can get to that wall you will also be scored for the entry you give and the exit you give if you hit anything on the way in or out it will have major point deductions so try keep it steady. Comment your gamertag for an add in to the match, now let's have some fun
Cruzes after!!!

Dustyn Bow


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