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What's the best team comp you use in capture the flag??? I know Lucio is a must pick


Steven Sanchez

What's the best team comp you use in capture the flag??? I know Lucio is a must pick

Michael Rumbolo

Was* a must pick.

It's more of a tank train game now, son.

Dinis Pedroso

Lucio(lul);Winston or Roadhog(if draw get a Zarya),any second healer except for Ana(pls dont pick her),any defender except sniper(I prefer Junk or Torb or Symmetra) finaly on the last spot any offence can work but prefer Genji/Tracer and thats pretty much my heros of choice

Emma Rebecca

I've found the best teams are a mixture of:
-Sym and/or Torb.
-Lucio. (Even after the changes he's a must pick as he still has his speed song which makes him very helpful)
-Zen can be very helpful if he uses his ult to help someone get the flag
-Orisa, bc I didn't realise she can still use her fortify and her halt abilities when she has the flag which makes her kinda OP
-Winston if the have a Sym
-Junkrat if they have a torb
-Genji if the person is good at him as he can still use his wall climb which makes him good especially on the new map to escape with the flag

Brett Hampson

4 tanks 2 healers relay race
Winston or hog jump in get the flag get as far out as they can with heals whilst the other tanks provide bubbles and shields to run past and allow them to retake the flag if dropped

Drew C. Steward

Lucio, Torbjorn, and Symmetra, are must-picks. Flankers aren’t that good at it.

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