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PC What's decent damage for hog?

  • Thread starter Travis Amburgey
  • Start date

Travis Amburgey

What's decent damage for hog?

Dale Gausden

How long is a piece of string

Jack Hotspot Hodge

Shouldn’t worry about damage.. you’re a tank

Danny Rijks

Usually i got like 6-8k damage, sometimes even up to 10k if i play real good. But dw about it, good picks are more important than anything.

Danny Rijks

You could have 6k damage but no kills is what i'm saying.

Sterling Wilson

If you have two two dedicated healers or a soft assault/defense damage (someone like Sombra or Mei) then you should have at least bronze damage.

Hog is a tank but he can deal high damage and can offer pics.

Walter Aaron Vining

My advice is this,
Hog is really good at harassing if he can maintain good health percentage. He’s really good at destroying barriers even from a good distance. I honestly feel he should have decent numbers on barrier damage.

Now if they don’t run a tank with a shield (or even if they do). hog isn’t really a damage dealer. He is there to pose a threat no one else can. He has a hook ability he can use ever 8 seconds a smart player would wait those 8 seconds to start going on cooldown. They don’t ever really push into your team if they know you have the ability up.

Don’t worry about kills just be a threat that can kill if the chance is present.

Philip Pace

Yeah all the above are good tips and also remember hog can straight up duel most short and mid range characters including bas and reaper as long as you can get the hook into them before they see you. A good hog should be able to command space all around them as the other team should be afraid to engage. You should be a powerfull threat able to get kills and also stall for time with your self heals and damage mitigation. He is very versatile and able to do many things well and most of all very fun to play.

Clinton Kenn

Picks are where it is at bro. 60 odd percent hook rate on quality targets.

Barry Leland

This is a stupid, irrelevant question that will not help you improve your gameplay. There is no number that is correct. Each round and situation us different. You should be asking relevant questions like "who are good enemies to hook and why", "where should I be positioned relative to my team/the enemy team", "When is a good time to use whole hog".

Barry Leland

Questions like is is what draws your focus and attention to topics that won't help your gameplay in a real way, but provide a false feeling of what you're doing on a certain hero is correct. When most of the time it isnt

Ryan MacClary

Damage is useless without elims. It means you are just charging their healers ults.

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