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Switch Up to this point, I'm still on the dilemma if i should go physical or digital. I love...


Cedric Sebastian

Up to this point, I'm still on the dilemma if i should go physical or digital. I love physical as much as they look like but tbh it's a hassle to bring all the games coz i travel a lot and yes i know my case has cartridge slots but still hate the feeling of switching out games where i can just do that easier with digital games.

TL:DR; Why should I go for physical over digital this time? I have a 128gb card already and planning to get bigger size in the future if im not convinced to go physical at all.

PG Lomba

Depends on the game. Get physical on the games you love and can be sold later. Digital games are good for small titles as you can get them really cheap.

I only went digital with Skyrim because I get 20% faster loading times by running it from the internal 32GB NAND.

J.D. Hall

Physical have more value for trading and collecting, if none of that affects you then go digital, i go physical so me a my friends can borrow from each other and for collecting

Sean Renaud

I'm a physical fan, I like the idea that I can still trade with friends and that sort of thing and if something happens to my system, maybe to today, maybe fifty years from now the stuff is still there. I can play Mario 3 in it's original format. . .if I can find a NES and they aren't difficult to hunt down.

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