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Tips for competitive CTF: The best comp right now is quad tank + Lucio/Moira. Reaper...


Luke Schirmer

Tips for competitive CTF:

The best comp right now is quad tank + Lucio/Moira. Reaper can take the place of one of the tanks if you're in a mirror match since Reaper shreds tanks. Of the six, the only real must-pick is Lucio because the utility of speed cannot be understated in a mode where players are carrying the objective.

Lucio taxis the tanks who need to fight in close formation with one another. Moira sprays them all and prioritizes healing orb. Use Zarya, Hog, DVa and either Rein or Winston as the tanks. If running Reaper, drop a brawler and keep Rein/Winston.

Grouping is extremely important, as is having the discipline to fight all at once or not at all. Do not leave one person on defense - have your entire team grab the flag, then kill the enemy carrier on the way back. Leaving one person on defense risks forcing your team into a 5v6 and fighting before taking the flag risks an enemy Lucio skirting the edges of the map to cap on you.

Mosa Sadik

we roll with 2 tanks and triple support. we are all ranked gm

Yami Lopez

I use junkrat allot though his the best but people have been using going to other bases

Emma Rebecca

I disagree I don't think quad tank is necessary at all. And in CTF you need a Sym and/or a torb as standard.

A meta I came across today which I'd never thought of but which is extremely effective is a Zen/Lucio combo. Zen charges up his ultimate as fast as possible, then goes in with the Lucio, Zen activates his ult as Lucio takes the flag with his speed on, speed back to your flag point together. Probably the most cancerous combo I've ever seen as it's near impossible to stop.

Henry Cain

Thank you yes
People don't listen to me in comp when I say this and it pissed me off.

Master Deez Fidz

Should be helpful tyty

Jacqueline Dumouchel


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