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There's an edit in this post, so please click See more as of 16th July :D Gotta make...


James Baker-Hewitt

There's an edit in this post, so please click See more as of 16th July :D

Gotta make another one of these. If you make a post directed at a member and insult them, you're gonna get banned. Getting a bit heated in the comments is one thing, but going out of your way to make a post ( person in question made one about someone then me for warning him ) will result in ban.

Also please, if you're going to rage at a mod or admin, please fill out the butt-hurt form we provide before quitting. We do care about our community :)

I'm just gonna say this again, you don't get a warning if you make a post about a member in that way, you get banned and that's it.

EDIT: The rules are in the Description of this page so it's not like its hard to find. We also made a support page where if you or your friend has been banned, you can message us and we can explain why and sort it out. This is mainly to stop spam of the Mods/Admins DM's. Drop by and give it a like as you may need it in the future,
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JJ Risk

Ban me daddy <3 (pls do not)

Robby Gates

Ghost mod approves of this message

Marc Bourgoin

Heyyo, too true... If you want drama go Netflix that stuff... I'm on here to talk about PC gaming dangit

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