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PS4 SUPERBAD RAGNAROK BOOSTED (EU) Boosts: Taming x 8 Harvest x 5 XP x 7 Hatching +...


Mike Lyons



Taming x 8
Harvest x 5
XP x 7
Hatching + Maturing x 15
Loot quality 1.5
Food/water consumption 0.5
Egg lay interval 0.7
Max Level Dino 225

Level Stats:

Player Health x 2
Player Weight x 10
player speed x 2
Dino Health x 2
Dino Weight x 5


# No offline raiding - offline raid protection is enabled. Your character, structures and tamed Dinos will be protected 15 minutes after you go offline. If you go offline, damage to your character, structures and tamed dinos within those 15 minutes is allowed.

# Building in caves is allowed. However, all structures found blocking pathways to Artifacts or Obelisks will be destroyed.

All new tribes will be given 5 days protection. Speak to an Admin to enable this. You will need to add "Protected" to the end of your tribe name so other tribes know you are protected. If you raid or attack a tribe within their protection time, you will be banned. Also, if you are seen with the protection in your tribe name after the time ends, you will be banned. NOTE: DURING PROTECTION, YOU CAN STILL BE ATTACKED OUTSIDE OF YOUR BASE IN THE OPEN WORLD!

The Admins are a PVP tribe so they CAN be raided or attacked in open world. Levelling and everything personally owned by Admins will be fairly grafted just like everyone else on the server.

Admin commands will be used for competitions/giveaways and for building government buildings to host these competition.

All admin commands will show in chat for everyone to see AND will be documented on our Facebook group explaining what admin command was used and why we used it. This way you will be assured that we are paying fairly.

Most of all, have fun!!

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