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Statements by Jeff Kaplan: •"If you've played a lot of Overwatch, you know that...


Emi Cheye

Statements by Jeff Kaplan:
•"If you've played a lot of Overwatch, you know that hero-switching [mid-match] is a core part of it — it's a really fun dynamic part. The difference maker between ... Overwatch and other games is the fluidity in the team compositions and matching what the other team's doing.”
•"Changing heroes often is the right way to play the game.”

I just really love Overwatch, I’ve put a lot of time into learning a decent handful of heroes, and wish that it would stop punishing flex players with the current SR system, and rewarding one-tricks (you gain more and lose less for one-tricking bc it’s based on stats compared to the other players in your tier). I feel like Overwatch is slowly losing its vision- it’s contradictory.
How would you fix the system, if it were up to you?

Toph Jacque

I'm a flex player too, and I can see if they changed it to where how quickly a match changes when a certain hero change is made

Dwayne Clark

First of all, Mercy gets a greatly nerfed Resurrect that functions as all other in-game revivals do. It takes time, and can be easily interrupted.

Gabriel Solomon

Well, it's good and important to be flexible with every character because what if your one trick character isn't working anymore and got to switch things up to counter against the other team

Matt Bubp

I just think you shouldn't automatically lose SR for a loss or gain for a win. It should be based on how you performed in your role properly.

Jordan Vargas

Your own performance should contribute to losing less Sr, but not to how much you gain.

That way if you do well you aren't punished as much for losing but you can't just play in a certain way to take advantage.

Jordan Vargas

Mic should be required for comp.

Luke Schirmer

I'm a flex player. I usually focus on being current and practiced with a couple different heroes at a time, but I never have trouble fitting into a team composition because the heroes I focus on are always the few that are most likely to get value in whichever meta I'm playing in at the time. I've always strived to be able to comfortably play as many heroes as possible. Focusing on game sense fundamentals goes a very long way in doing this. Once you grasp those fundamentals and understand the general flow of a team fight you can be effective with a very wide range of heroes

Vynyl Shiro

I wish I could flex. But if I do we just lose faster since everybody only wants to play Hanzo, Junkrat, D.Va, Symmetra and Widow.

Shani Mesh

I dont play comp but i always feel like my lack of main been looked down on from ow players

Joop Jones

I wish everyone would flex

Cal Nabokov

Get rid of individual performance based stats, they're just masturbation. It should be a system more akin to DoTa, where it's w/l based, because it's a team game. In dota I was at 6.6k mmr, and I never see somebody there that didn't belong, because it's so hard to get that high (was like 2 years ago, idk what mmr is good now). But in OW I've lost count of how many, mostly shitty Mercy mains in duo's, are in GM, that have no fucking idea how to play the game. Usually they're just some shit one-trick that abuses the system, and then stays at that elo because the fkn seasons only soft reset SR. OW ranked is simply not competitive.

Justice Arias

Do people not like 1 tricks or certain 1 tricks. I ask this because people don't normally complain about the 1000 mercy mains, genji mains, soldier mains, mcree mains, zarya mains, etc. I myself am a sym main and when things go south, I'm usually the first to get flamed or asked to switch.

Brendon Alexander

Changing heroes often is the right way to play? Not anymore. Teams stick with certain characters, and there are barely any switches. The only switch I've seen, is an enemy switching to broken Pharah. But that's it.

Charlie McShane

> Approach it like Riot, assigned roles
> 1 mandatory DPS role
> 1 mandatory Tank role
> 1 mandatory Support role
> 3 flex roles


Allie Marie

My (self) rules have always been if I'm doing bad or am not useful to the team I'll switch or ask if they'd like me to and who I should switch to. I try to have a few characters I can fall back on but if I'm doing fine then I'll stay the same hero.

I think everyone should try to have at least 5 heroes they're super comfortable with in comp and then 5 more they're fine with being (but might not be as great). This being said because for example: some people only play healers super well as their main category but if healers are taken/you're not working out as one there should be some other roles you can play. (if that makes sense?) That was probably a poor example but I hope it made sense in the way I'm trying to get across lmao

Carl Tice

Considering Overwatch to be anything other than paradoxical is the problem. It's a fucking online shooter; as such, it will never aptly reward those who play on its terms.

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