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So while all the healer hatred is spewed, I just had a quick question for Lucio...


Griffin Coleman

So while all the healer hatred is spewed, I just had a quick question for Lucio players
When you’re “booping” someone, is it better to have the gun closest to the target, or the edge of the cone shape
Feel like I can’t quite figure out Lucios boop, either bump them nowhere or too high up
Just trying to get better
And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just skip the question
Not trying to pick a fight with people, just trying to play the game positively

Matthew Gessner

I think it's more of a question of how you aim. Specifically I'm talking about aiming up. In lucioball, the ball traveled through the air if you aimed up, so theoretically a person would fly further using the same aiming tactic. Seems to work for me.

Xavier Witney

If they’re going towards you the boop is worse and if they’re going away from you they go further

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