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So TL;DR: my friend just got banned here for no reason, and when tried to contact an...

  • Thread starter Anna Van Houten
  • Start date

Anna Van Houten

So TL;DR: my friend just got banned here for no reason, and when tried to contact an admin about the situation, this happened, for some reason in one of the 3 comments that he has here, he "broke the rules". First of all, i read the rules like two times trying to find out why this happened, but apparently the post was deleted when maybe one joke (like lots of people were doing) was misreaded.

Second of all to the admin that respond him:
-Saying that he shoudn't say how you guys take care of the group, Thats EXACTLY why the support exists, if you found something wrong.
-If someone doesn't agree with you, it does not means it justifies the decisions you took to ban him.
-Saying that the decision was right because "all of the bans are legit",thats just not true, everybody makes mistakes, and you're denying him the appeal because of mistake that, if he made it, it was deleted anyways.

Third of all: You can search for his name on this group and see his intentions, he always praised cosplayers and drawings, even if it was to cheer people up,

So SMH, i am very disappointed, not because he was banned whatsoever, but denying the appeal for something he "did" with no intention to cause any harm.
PS: sorry for our english at all (its his screenshots), we are neither english native speakers.


Robert Joseph

Looks like your friend is being a prick and the ban was well deserved

Aly Renee

Your friend was a dick LOL

Art Besim Cina

People get banned for no reason all the god damn time, I was a moderator on a Paladins group but I got banned cause I disagreed with the main admin so she erased my ass
Don't take it too personally, these people are in no way classified leaders of anything, it's a facebook page, not a school, you'll get kicked out for nothing and you should expect that

Ben Suskic

He said he can track down why. Lol he didnt say cant

Courtney Wands

He should have accepted the appeal and been done with it, but instead was a complete dick. Yeah, it's dumb you can't "state a legitimate reason for the ban" but he went way too far in this situation.

Alicia Maltais

Something sounds fishy as hell there.. I understand where he's coming from, I woiuldve been offended as well honestly, but sometimes it's like fighting with butter..

Ben Suskic

He didnt even quote the admin correctly. He clearly say "he can track down exactly why he was banned". Your friend was an asshole and an idiot

Austin Jewell

Ur friends not a dick there and I agree with y'all (inb4 I'm banned ) free the friend!

Carli Chebanova

These messages were from me personally and it is extremely inappropriate that you posted these here. Your friend's attitude was extremely rude and unapologetic and was the reason why we didn't take the appeal any more seriously. Yes it is hard to track down why people are banned in some situations but admins always follow your rules. The simple fact that your friend was so argumentative instead of just accepting it is a reason in itself we retain the ban.

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