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Switch So in canada labo is priced at 90 for #1 and 100 for #2. To me this seems very...


Tim Ceaser

So in canada labo is priced at 90 for #1 and 100 for #2. To me this seems very overpriced, and basically ensures that I will not be getting it any time soon unless there's a big price drop, what are some other people's thoughts on it?

Riley Horne

As a Canadian its hard to justify any "new" Nintendo games. Don't get me wrong theyre great but most dont have the content/replayability to warrant a 92$ price tag (thata the price in NS after tax)

Claire Palin

We are UK so it's 59.99 and 69.99 before we went to the workshop we was unsure if we would buy or not,but once we actually had hands on with building and game play there is no doubt we can't wait to buy x

Rachel Burns

I'm in UK and won't be getting it as it's a big rip off, normally i would buy everything Nintendo but this just feels like a 5 minute play before it gathers dust.

Jonathan Jurczak

Brilliant idea that can explore varieties of peripheral ideas, as well as computational thinking for kids who would be open to programming.

The variety kit would be $70 in the states, which is very reasonable, but I'll be getting it for $56 from Best Buy.

Claire Palin

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Rob Metzger

Don't think it's overpriced. Think about it this way, you are getting game(s) and the peripheral to use in the game. Pretty reasonable to me.

Tim Ceaser

It makes me think of getting a crappy wii sports game with a bunch of peripherals. I mean are any of the games things you will play for a length of time? Or are they things you will play once and never look at again? I mean they looked cool and at a lower price I might consider them, but ultimately it's cardboard peripherals and mini games. I have enough mini games already. I do have two little kids, but they would be more likely to eat the labo than play with it, lol. Maybe when they're older and there's more and cheaper labo kits around.

Gilbert Renaud

I don't think it's overpriced that much either, the thing is you get the games, the peripherals and the experience of building it ; and with the garage you can even design you're own stuff. If you're not into crafting, yeah it's probably not for you. Just art stuff to build decorative things out of cardboard is sold around 30$, for one construction. Personally not gonna buy it but if I had kids I probably would.

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