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So I'm having an issue with a new (to me) 500g laptop hard drive I just threw on an...


Elde Smith

So I'm having an issue with a new (to me) 500g laptop hard drive I just threw on an extra SATA cable I have poking out of my case along with of course the SATA pwr conenction to it. The hard drive reads/writes and formats just fine until I go to move anything in a folder larger than 1gb (torrented movies and such) from my downloads folder on my main 750 to the laptop's 500. As it is a different drive the file must be copied from C:/ to X:/. Now the problem comes in about halfway through a (Copying files from C:/ to X:/) cycle and jsut stops, goes at about 40mb/s down to 1.5mb/s and stays there while the estimated time goes from 30s to 4 hours. Any help would be much appreciated, I can download directly to the drive as well, plays movies and reads files just fine once they're on the drive, also have reinstalled motherboard, SATA and chipset drivers to no avail.

*Pic for attention*

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