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So I had a thought this morning on the way to class. We all have that *one* hero that...


Lynn Donner

So I had a thought this morning on the way to class. We all have that *one* hero that we despise because we may have more trouble countering them than others. What's yours? If you don't have one, wwhat character would you like to have the time to master?

Trouble: I don't currently have one that's a constant struggle. A good genji will give me a run for my money until I figure out his play style.

I'd like to learn to be efective with Mercy or Lucio. Healers are the onw=e group I have technical difficulties with {Read: I suck.}

Pic for attention.

Deeana Stark

I despise a really good widow or hanzo. EVERYWHERE IS DANGEROUS EVEN BEHIND A WALL.

That being said, I want to learn to be a good Widow and Hanzo because I can't snipe for shit hahaha

Abood Dabdoub

I hate snipers and pharah with passion

James Reed-moretz

I don’t really dispise any hero, but POTG reaper needs to stop
I’ve personally always wanted to be a good mcree, but my aim is just awful

Leon Adler

It's not that hard to kill a genji as lucio
Just keep practicing

Mitchell Smith

Depending on which character I'm playing. Though Bastion and Toblerone's turrets can fuck right off in general. D.Va, Genji and Tracer can be a problem whenever I'm not playing Zarya or Sombra.

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