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So I don't blame throwers or leavers for me being the rank that I am, I firmly believe...

  • Thread starter Sammy Bourgeois
  • Start date

Sammy Bourgeois

So I don't blame throwers or leavers for me being the rank that I am, I firmly believe that you are your rank, and if you play enough games, you'll not be higher nor lower than the rank you really are. It WILL balance out... but, it just leaves me with the question: Why? Why voluntarily derank, offer yourself up for some nature of ban, queue into a game that you're not going to take part of...?

Lin Galini

Why not?? I do it all the time when i get bored. I need extra motivation to re-learn and re-invent and to stay motivated to play the game.

Alaa Yassine

Me: hanzo why are you throwing the game?
Hanzo: I want to drop SR so i can play with my girlfriend.
Me: .... I love plat

Andrew Davenport

Because unfortunately the only way some people can have fun is to stop others having fun; it’s sad really.

Eric Guo

If you play more games you'll eventually be above your rank.

Matteo Cherchi

I have a smurf placed in Wood V just to learn heroes from bottom, letting my friends to learn heroes from bottom or just helping friends getting out of Bronze/silver

Ana Arteaga

I am high plat, and I definitely belong there for the time being (though I plan to start playing again consistently because I want to get better), but I do believe throwers or leavers are the cause a lot of people can't seem to climb. A friend of mine once got five leavers in a row, making him lose a ton of SR. He reached Masters once he got good teammates though, so throwers definitely make an impact. I'm not saying they're solely the reason one might be in ELO hell, but they definitely influence.

Beau Popkin

I dunno I think its alot harder going solo. I get matched with some pretty derpy people or as you say people that dc. There isn't alot you can do sometimes.

Emmy Wagner

The only reason i ever leave is because i know we aren’t going to win (ie no healers/solo tanking)

Tyler Mielenz

What's your rank & platform?

Lara Vermilion Pashalek

Maybe they got bored of playing at their level and wanted to climb again? Who knows. Unfortunately their fun has to ruin other people’s fun. But there ain’t nothing nobody can do about it because it’s their game and they can play it whichever way they want.

Jessy Bilski

People are just sick of the game after so many seasons and dont care about there account or elo anymore

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