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Xbox One So anyone do coaching? I always try with my friends but I'm no GM or master sooooo...


Oswald Austin

So anyone do coaching? I always try with my friends but I'm no GM or master sooooo anyone wanna help a few people out? Not looking for carries. Looking for the dirty little tricks and tips to give us that one up in comp matches :) any comments are sure to help more than just me! So let's hear the most grease, dirty sneak maneuvers you got as well. ;) who knows maybe it will cause some funky combos that no one really knew could be the wombo combo comp ;p

Trevor Folz

It's not really anything about tricks. It's more so developing game sense, aim, and positioning. If you feel you need to develop game sense, just play like normal but really try to think of your enemies next move. Not so much going for kills but just trying to counter and predict. For aim just play custom and make Ana's head shot only. It's really frustrating but is very effective. And positioning, watch some pros and streamers, notice how they aren't in one giant scuffle and they're holding high ground. Just watch some YouTube videos of your favorite class.

Johnathon Loftin

Oh man I got specific hero tips up the booty.

Johnathon Loftin

So for Junkrats on eichenwald or how ever you spell that German crap, if your on the attacking team right out of spawn to your right you go up the stairs on the outside of the house if the defense is holding the choke at the bridge this is the bast flank possible, place a bomb on the top step and jump bomb towards the castle then double. Bomb jump again to land on the left side of the over looking steps on the defender side and start spamming grenades. If you get noticed fast and get pushed walk backwards into the hallway place a trap and through your bombs till they die cause no one messes with junk in a tight space

Johnathon Loftin

For Doomfist on the same map if you are on attacking team perch yourself on the first choke bridge and when enemy starts there push this is a good poking move with lots of damage and an easy way to escape. (Fist them into the wall from the bridge then jump then rising uppercut and 180 around after jumping and doing the move u should now be high enough to fist slam right back onto the bridge easy and turn around and do it again most likely untouched. You won’t make it back to the bridge unless you jump before using rising upper cut

Johnathon Loftin

For Reinhardt vs Mccree obvioisly a quick tip is to flick your shield up when he goes to flash bang. Also on Rein a good way to bait genji in using deflect is swing then pop shield fast to cancel the animation. On that note Also your first swing with Rein after it hits a squishy you can fire strike as soon as it hits its mark and it will cancel the swing animation and mostly one shot, you have to be fast though

Johnathon Loftin

Most maps have secret flanks to take serious advantage of like on Black Forest for for 1v1s you can Mei ice wall or reaper wisp onto the wall separating the room up stairs and when the walk around the corner to your doorway they have no idea wear you are.

Shini Courtney

Notice your teammates more , and try to compliment them with your picks, learn how to prevent being quick countered.

Johnathon Loftin

Snag a dva bomb with your hook and pull it to you and then pop your heal real fast you won’t die, it’s good to do this from a door way and you can save most your team that way.

Johnathon Loftin

And if you are up against a Hanzo when your a tank any tank really. Just close the gap and when you get close he will either try to head shot you or scatter you (witch everyone hates especially Orisa) all you have to do is 180 and look at the ground real fast listen for him to shoot then turn back around and smash that fella

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