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So after wanting to do some upgrades to my current build of 3 to 4 years...


Robby Gates

So after wanting to do some upgrades to my current build of 3 to 4 years (
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) to get it far better than it is and also be extremely good with VR I have decided to just eventually sell it and use the funds towards a new rig a I would pretty much have to replace everything anyway (
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subject to change)

I'm pretty much wanting to go all out within reason and would be saving as I went plus whatever I can get for my current rig. I would go 1080ti but I'm not sure I can justify a nearly 1k card. I have some questions

1) keeping the tower under 2k (2.5 is my highest ill go tower alone but id prefer to leave room for an ROG/Predator 27 in+ 1920x1080 monitor or better) is there anything I could change or make better (keeping it black and red or similar. Am a MSI fanboy.)

2) case wise, a large mid tower or full tower would be preferred. Eyeing something by phanteks but I am open to suggestions

3) also if anyone knows large desk suggestions that would be great. I'm not sure where to look for that.

4) what could I price my current rig at and get the most out of it

Honestly just wanting general thoughts and advice to make a new rig but on steroids compared to my current one

Robby Gates

Ideally 2k

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