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So a legitimate question I placed high plat 27xx and did really well in all my...


Max Muir

So a legitimate question I placed high plat 27xx and did really well in all my placements averaging 30 kills healed 10k+ on supports when I played and blocked 20k+ damage on tanks. I've now dropped to 1999.....What is going on. Bc I don't know whether to blame myself or what considering my win rate is like 22% in total right now. What is going on?

Brandon Culley

Are these your first placements? If so it's very normal for people to drop to their real rank after their first placements. The game thought you could be a plat in the future, but as for right now you belong in silver. Unless you prove the system wrong by climbing back up immediately

Max Muir

I had an 80% win rate through placements tho. I guess I don't understand I belong where I placed. I say I should have stopped playing on loss streaks and getting so angry at teammates but when u lose 15 and 16 games in a row. I hate that if I don't carry a game I lose And being new to pc I can't do it

Brandon Culley

It's okay. If you belong in plat you will get back to it.

Max Muir

Not playing in this hell elo I won't. Unless I find a good dps and a good tank. (I'm a support main) to play with.

Brandon Culley

ELO hell isn't real. It's just an excuse people use when they're stuck at a certain rank. I've solo queued out of silver and gold with mercy, Lucio, and zen
I always am the last one to pick though because I want to see what everyone else picks. Instalocking a healer is really bad especially if the healer just doesn't fit with the map or other members of the team. Like you can't really use Ana or Moira on any map, and zen might be too slow for payload.

Max Muir

I play all the support chars. I pick according to map and team.

Brandon Culley

To excel with healers you have to have excellent game sense. Try looking at your stats on overbuff and you will get a sense for what you're doing wrong. Stats aren't everything, but they can help you improve if you use them right

Carlos Rangel

You’re doing a lot but you’re not doing the right things, just a lot of the wrong things

Jeremy Fairchild

I honestly bepieve they fucked over the matchmaking this season

Andrew Elmendorf

I climbed from bronze to 2800 in 2 seasons. Saying this because elo-hell is a myth. I'm having a hard time getting out of plat but I mostly blame myself. If you belong in plat you will get there. Couple of tips 1: take a break(5-10mins) after 2-3 losses 2: stay positive 3: stop blaming everyone else

John Kaba

Did you sit and play game after game where you lost?
Rule 1 of overwatch comp; if you lose 2 in a row, take a break.
You get tilted and no longer make good game decisions.

Doug Shaw

80 dollars and i'll boost you back up

Max Muir

Yeah I kinda realize I got tilted rather quickly when I was playing game back 4 hours later locked widow and shredded a team. 40 elims 12k damage. So I just need to quit playing loss streaks.

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