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Xbox One Ragnarok 16yo+ Server Primitive Plus Starter packs: Your choice of a 150 Equus, or a...


Jimmy Graham

16yo+ Server
Primitive Plus

Starter packs: Your choice of a 150 Equus, or a 100 Argentavis as well as Metal Hatchet, Pick, Pike, and Sickle.

The Forbidden Territory (TFT):
This area is a dark and cruel place.. Here, it is not run by one specific creature. Or run by anyone for that matter. Here, you are free to do what you want, when you want.. As long as you stay hidden.. Here, you may raid and be raided at any given time without a warning.

For those of you who prefer a more relaxed experience, you may signed up (as PVE) under any kingdom and build in their land. But make sure you have the King or Queens permission to do so.. They may not like intruders very much.

Orcs: Snakehold
Humans: Rosenhill
Elves: Eshania
Hobbits: Lorimeth
Wizards: Moonbarrow
Harpies: Strophades

Server Stats:

Gather: 4
Taming: 6
XP: 2
Maturation Rate: 6
Mating Interval: 0.2
Egg Hatch: 20

LEADERSHIP roles available

PM with interest

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