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Preview: Battle Princess Madelyn Effortlessly Steps Into Sir Arthur's Boots


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Ghouls 'n Ghosts fans, rejoice.

It’s been well documented by the team at Causal Bit Games that
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is both a love letter and spiritual sequel to Capcom’s Ghouls ‘n Ghosts series. As for the rest of the title, the inspiration comes directly from the mind of a child who happens to be one of the creator’s daughters. As you might have read in our
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with Causal Bit’s Creative Director Christopher Obritsch, it’s his daughter – who also stars as the heroine in the game – that has helped select the locations, levels and even devised full-blown battle plans for a number of boss fights. It’s essentially the imagination of a child directly translated into a playable video game experience. So how’s it shaping up? It’s quite promising based on our early playtest – adding just the right amount of nostalgia to the mix while expanding on plenty of original concepts.

Taking control of the young knight in training (aided by her ghostly pup named Fritzy), your task is to save your family (and kingdom) from an evil wizard. If you weren’t already aware, this is actually a universe set within a story being told by Madelyn's Grandfather, while he sits at her bedside. After a lovely retro-style animation sequence sets the scene, the game warps Madelyn from her bed to this fantasy world on the brink of collapse.

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