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PC NightHavenPvE is recruiting new members! We are a set of servers that are not...

  • Thread starter Michelle Cinnamon-Bruner
  • Start date

Michelle Cinnamon-Bruner

NightHavenPvE is recruiting new members! We are a set of servers that are not clustered with 2 separate PvE playstyles to suit all players. We are an 18+ Server.


XP 5x
Harvest 5x
Taming 6x
Breeding 0.5x
Egg hatch 15x
Baby maturation 15x (imprint timers still modified)
Max Wild Dino LVL is 300
Max Player LVL is 350 (can learn all engrams)

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XP 15x
Harvest 10x
Taming 20x
Breeding 0.5x
Egg hatch 15x
Baby maturation 75x (imprint timers are modified)
Baby food consumption 0.5x
Max Wild Dino LVL is 600
Max Player LVL is 400 (can learn all engrams)

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