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New Mercy takes a LOT more skill then before? Perhaps not aiming, but in order to make...

  • Thread starter Stephanie Fufu Lody
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Stephanie Fufu Lody

New Mercy takes a LOT more skill then before? Perhaps not aiming, but in order to make real use of her ult, rez, damage boost, and healing all at once there's a lot more management involved. It's not just heal until ult, ult when they die, (or try to shoot everything if you're a dumbass "battle mercy" who thinks they're dps.) It's should I rez that first pick or wait for the tank to go down? Should I ult in the middle of my dead teammates n try to triple rez or will I die before I can use it three times? Or four times? Rez has become less a one-click undo of an enemy attack and much more decision based but still extremely effective at bringing back your team IF you do it right. A lot more strategic thought involved and feels a little more like Winston. No aim, all strategic use of abilities.

I'm by no means a Mercy main but I'm decent at her and I've gotten compliments on my Mercy before and after the patch and these are just my thoughts.

Shaun Parker

her new ult is the easiest thing to get value out of in the game

Will Gaines

New mercy definitely feels like Winston, who I play extremely well so she's pretty easy to play

Stephanie Fufu Lody

To clarify I said more than before not more than most other characters

Tony Dean

There’s a lot more thought into the individual res now

Dyan Long

It's really awkward now bc I'm not exactly sure how to make use of it

Bora Şenoğlu

Well she still doesn't require any skill and climbing with her still will be based on luck

Christian Landers

Same amount of skill, just different set of skills. She took skill to be successful before, people were just whiney losers about it.

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