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My peeps. I know we all have our mains in this game, and want to be the ones to save...


Gerardo Gutierrez

My peeps. I know we all have our mains in this game, and want to be the ones to save the day, and or get that player of the game, but it's important to remember TEAM COMPOSITION.

It's simple. If your hero comp is mostly heroes that work better spread out. DO NAHT choose the main man Rein to try and shield them if you know they won't even be behind the shield in the first place. If your team is more about sticking together and delivering damage. DO NAWT pick something like Genji or Sombra and run off on your own, unless your First name is Sea and your last name Gull, or *insert Sombra pro here. etc. etc. you get the mojo jojo in this piece.

Finally, no bro, i'm not saying that you should force yourself to play some character you've never touched before, I'm just saying that being aware of your team is a key component to a match going much more smoothly, with higher odds of winning.

Caeley Griffin

I mean I I have to do is heal and damage boost. Pharah helps me not die and brings me to the people that need healing. I use rez on tanks. Snipers. And other healers. I sit my ult to damage boost everyone in the close range of where I am healing and DB. I shoot when needed and sometimes for fun. So I’m all set ^\^

Aaron Lewis Hernandez

I am going to play Reinhardt whenever my team has a tracer, sombra, genji, Zen, and Luvcio now

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