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Man I really hate feeling all this annoyance with Nintendo but I just don't understand...

  • Thread starter Muhammad Al-Muthakkir
  • Start date

Muhammad Al-Muthakkir

Man I really hate feeling all this annoyance with Nintendo but I just don't understand why they are making these really dumb decisions with Splatoon 2. I really want to play Salmon Run so why in the world do they make it "closed" most of the time. Like one of their funnest game modes and you can't play when you want. The reason why this is damn annoying to me because I've been busy or I'm going to be busy for all the scheduled time this mode will be playable. The other thing is teaming with friends. That's such a pain in the ass. Why in the world can't you just make a lobby and queue up with a friend. It makes no sense. And sucks to be any one playing with a group of 3. They're pretty much limited to playing turf war. Can't play league or ranked together. Anyway rant over. I'm just insanly annoyed with this I'm honestly considering taking the game back because this isn't what I bought the game for. I mean don't get me wrong, game is fun. But I paid 60 bucks for this game and I can't play a main feature of the game when I want and playing with friends is such a pain in the ass. Just doesn't seem worth rn.

Eamon Moradi

I cant blame you, classic Nintendo innovation strikes again

Eamon Moradi

I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to get on, but then I remembered that there was no way for us to play turf war together with out one of us having to risk not getting into the room before it fills up, or we just end up getting put on different teams. But I guess there is always Overwatch if I want to queue up with friends.

Chris McAtamney

It does suck that you can't play salmon run anytime, except locally. Don't return the game! Salmon Run isn't all this game is about! There's so much more to do.

Forrest Presley

Are there more local two player game modes? They should of added bots in so i could play some of the stuff offline with the GF, but that didn't happen.

Carlos A Diaz Jr.

I really like the mode also, but I don't mind that it's limited. It makes it so that when it's available more people will be on playing it.

I wish there was a way to play it in Private Battles though.

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