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PC Lowly silver rant. Auto lock snipers who aren’t good and refuse to switch suck, I get...


Evan Landry

Lowly silver rant. Auto lock snipers who aren’t good and refuse to switch suck, I get it. It’s so infuriating. But you do just as much damage to your team by crying about it the whole time and spending time typing in match chat to make sure the other team knows that’s why you’re losing. Nobody cares. If you threw a professional into silver do you really think a shitty sniper would hold them back? So no, people not switching to the comp you think is the best to fit your character is not the only reason you’re stuck there. In this game and anything in life you will do nothing to help yourself by bitching and moaning about things out of your control instead of just trying your best to overcome it.

Michael Reese

For people stuck in bronze or silver your stuck there cause you belong there my main is masters but I wanted to test out how bad the grind from bronze to plat really was to see if people are stuck there or belong there so I started At 1000sr lol and I’m at 2000 in just 2 days so it is becoming possible but we will see I do get bad comps yes but I change to what we is need then just sticking to my main class you won’t go anywhere really playing just your main you gotta flex

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