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Xbox One Looking for low boosted, fresh server and ragnarok


Trent Kroetsch

Looking for low boosted, fresh server and ragnarok

Tyler Michael Thomas

About a month old

Jessica Canniff


Danny Gowling

Animus Ark

play fair, stick to rules and we will have no problems.
offline raiding is disliked.
No trolling, you all know what we mean.
No complete wiping, get in get out
No killing passive herbs ( all shoulder pets are classed as herbs even though they are meat eaters, unless you take them to a raid), all meat eaters are fair game.
5 Days grace for new tribes ( tribe leader 1st 5 days )
3 day grace period after being raided, get intouch with admin showing proof of raid and they will decide if grace is given ( after 30mins of no action, raid is over) once grace is given admin will announce it in group.

starter pack
mount is either flyer - Ptere, Argy.
ground - Equu, Baryonix
Flak armour, hatchet, pick.

Open world is full pvp so please be aware of your surroundings and the hostile environment that awaits you...

Tribes can have bases, 1 land and 1 water base for water dinos
stats are
8 taming
7 gather
slightly boosted weight on dino
slight slower drain on food and water for player

please comment your
Tribe name
in that format to show you understand the rules.
(Once you put your name and tribe in pinned post,your be sent password to server....)

search server name
Animus rising...

will have an island cluster in 2 weeks

Tommy Childress


Nathan Dunn

Check out our servers.
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Becky Jones

King Of Kings
Melee Damagex3
Movement Speedx5

*Cool Admins!
*Store! Raid Insurance Packages!
*Fast Respawn On Dinos & Harvesting!
*Longer Day Cycle!
*While it is frowned upon there is no rule against the killing of passive tames, protect your dinos!!!!!
*No Offline Raiding! (ORP is on.)
*You must leave AT LEAST TWO tames alive when raiding a person's base (per base).
*No base wiping UNLESS you call each other out for a Serious Tribe vs Tribe War (both tribes involved must agree to the fight) to fight in the arena with one dino & one weapon of your choosing. An admin must view the fight to make sure the fight is fair!! The winner gets the right to TRY to wipe the losers base, if they wish to do so within the grace period given by the admin that watched the fight. Yes, the loser CAN still try to protect their base but IF the winner manages to wipe the losers base within the grace period that they were given then they will not be faulted for doing so. The winner will get a prize from the admin whether they choose to TRY to wipe the base or not. (Prizes may vary depending on the admin viewing the fight. But the prize will be worth it!!) Otherwise, it is okay if you blow some doors down, destroy some walls, raid some boxes but DO NOT destroy the whole base!!!! Destroy what you need in order to get the goodies then get out! You will only get two warnings about this!!
*NO building by arena, maze, store, community things or close by/in spawn points!!!!!
*Don't raid the anything that belongs to the admins.
*Community Fishing Spot! Community Taming Cages! Community Oil Pumps!
*NO PVP at fishing spot, if someone is fishing! Let a man fish in peace!!!
*You are allowed to have more than one base but if you decide not to use one of your extra bases, take it down!! Same with an structure, that you're using anymore. Someone else may like to use that spot.
*There Will Be Either A Weekly Or Monthly Event!!!!!
*Monthly 24hour/48hour Purge where Offline Raid Protection will be turned off, Base Wiping & Killing Of All Tames Will Be Allowed Within the time period.
*Yes, we are a PVP server! Yes, you can raid! But No, we are NOT a hardcore PVP server!! We don't want assholes!! If you like to play hardcore PVP, this isn't the server for you!! We want to have a fun, healthy, competitive environment.
*Be Mature, Have Fun, Follow The Rules & Kick Some Ass.
*New players, please message me on here or on Xbox Live (FireFox1219). If you need help, have more questions or you want metal tools, some narcotics & a bird.

(Just search for King Of Kings on Rag under unofficial PC sessions. Look on the Session List and where it says Session Filter choose Unofficial PC Sessions or you can join my game if I'm on: FireFox1219).

Dean Pickerill


Josh Merritt


René Boysen

Cluster Survival Ragnarok

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