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PS4 Looking for a player dedicated server on the center

  • Thread starter Derrick John Schumacher
  • Start date

Derrick John Schumacher

Looking for a player dedicated server on the center

Zayne Peachey

The Centre map is PVE mate if ur interested your welcome to join

PC hosted PS4 PVP / PVE Cluster. Free to Play.

PVP & PVE Maps clustered together. Full transfers available


Search AusPVPBoosted in the ark to join - The Island
Search AusPVPBoostedRag in the ark to join - Ragnarok.
Search AusPVEBoostedcentre in the ark to join - The Centre (PVE Map)

**Full transfers between clustered maps available.
**Taming and Harvest values are 1/2 the below stats on PVE map, all other stats remain the same.

***In game store available. Price list is in photos of FB group. (Ark PS4 AusPVPBoosted)

Starter Packs Include:
Flak / Fur Armour
Tools & Pike
Tapa per tribe member
Lvl 120 Quetz per tribe.

Basic Rules:
When possible keep base damage to a minimum. Try to keep PVP more fun than salty.
Admins will not raid or attack but will defend if needed

Harvest x 8
Taming x 10
XP x 8
Egg incubation x 6
Mature rate x 10
Loot drops x 5
Fishing x 5

Player Stats:
Health x 3
Stam x 5
Weight x 20
Speed x 5
Fortitude x 10
Oxygen x 10
Melee x 5

Dino Stats:
Damage x 1.1
Health x 1.1
Stam x 1.2
Weight x 20
Speed x 1.2

People keen to work towards Boss Fights/Tek Cave are encouraged to join!

Mitchell Schunemann

Come to Ragnarok. It's fun.
LostMaschu Ark Server
Check us out on Facebook
Also add my host account if you feel like playing.
Anyone can join.
Pm me for stats

Ark Lark

Come to izlude! Admin said if we reach the server pop of 36 slots he will open up another server on The Center!! its an amazing server bro try it out

Tired of losing your dinos on official and Wildcard doesnt do a thing about it? Spending countless days raising a dinosaur only for it to glitch permanently into a rock? Too many private servers with abusive admins..are you looking for one that only has 1 admin/owner?
Well, things are about to change..Try out

Izlude 24/7

Izlude 24/7 100%German is an imposter! Do not join that server.


Nitrado Good Ping

Ragnarok Server


-XP 2x

-Tame 3x

-Harvest 3x

-Egg Hatch 3x

-Baby Mature 3x

-Dino levels and stats like official

-Player weight slightly boosted

-Event Currency

-Custom Raids

-Advertizement Currency

-Purge Currency

-Tribe Imprinting

-Ascendant Dinosaurs

-Starter Packs but must build a base and storage within in order to not get mugged.

-Fun events held and prizes are amazing!

-Flyers recover stamina when idle

-PvPvE Whiteflag for newcomers 3 weeks! Must send owner name of tribe and picture of white flagged structures to activate PVE.

-Purging every weekend with currency to buy weapons, items, and dinosaurs.

-Bounty System

-Custom Quests with amazing rewards!

-Admin is not allowed to build anywhere

-Build anywhere just dont block spawns.

For more information Facebook LIKE

Izlude 24/7

Or PSN add Izlude_Server

and last but not least...Just PM me ^_^

-36 Slots at the moment until it overpopulates..then I will keep increasing until 70 slots.

Cliff Cole

Have the center and rag

Chris Bilyeu

Come join me on the horizon cluster center map. I'll help you get started then we can wage war on ragnarok

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