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Long discussion inbound: Just recently got back into overwatch, and jumped right back...


Matt Petit

Long discussion inbound:

Just recently got back into overwatch, and jumped right back into my main, mercy. I honestly like her current kit more then I did her original kit. The original only had her mass rez going for her and she was easily killed. Her new kit gives more reward for healing and damage boost and far more survivability, especially when it comes to valkyrie. I first thought the 1.75 second cast time and slow would ruin her rezing, but honestly it does not. Even if you grow a set of steel balls, have a death wish and jump into a team fight ( even into the middle of the enemy team if you really feel ballsy) to rez, she can still have enough time to rez and jump away. The only way to ruin mercy, to me, would be to remove gaurdian angel, or lengthen it's cd. I abuse the crap out of that ability. I do feel 20s on valkyrie is a bit much, and CD reset with instant cast while valkyrie is active is very effective. Though I do agree with lowering valkyrie duration to 15s and the removal of the CD reset upon entering valkyrie, I just don't think adding a cast time would be beneficial. It would be for the enemy team, but that's a case of priority targets and most people do not have that capability or just flat out ignore it. So if people were to focus mercy, especially a good one, and remove her from the fight, major nerfs wouldn't be that necessary. Ok, think I'm done here. Thanks for reading if you have made it to this point!


Brent Hazelton

I miss the 1.0 kit. No invincibility furing rez meant you actually had to manage your mass rez and tempo rez. Once they made her and her team mates invincible during rez, that was gg

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