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I've never been into playing tank but I'm considering learning D.Va. You guys got any...


Oliver Jansson

I've never been into playing tank but I'm considering learning D.Va. You guys got any tips for me?

Matthew Edward Johnson

Be aware of projectile Ults like Zarya's/Hanzo's because you can eat them with Defense Matrix,

IMO you should barely leave the payload as D.Va on escort maps, unless you're the only person that can take out snipers in high places

Anthony Harris

My main tip for any off the off-tanks (D.Va, Zarya, Roadhog) is one that sounds simple but a surprising amount of people forget about; remember that you're a tank. Prioritize defensive posture over other things, and peel for your supports rather than go on the offensive yourself. There are obvs exceptions to this like if the enemy team has a widow or whatever, but for the most part defence should be your primary mindset. ^-^

Michael Bates

Go pew pew pew out loud when you shoot ya rockets

Jerry Allen-Foshee

Yep, they right. DVa's not a tank tank, if that makes sense. More like a heavy duty flanking DPS. Lately, I've been trying to stick with the healers or payload until you see someone in a vulnerable spot. Dive onto that Widow up on the catwalk all by herself. Get the Genji trying to flank. Don't boost into the middle of the enemy team, unless you're willing to die to get that Mercy/Moira or other high-value target.

When you're with your Mercy, follow her when she GA's for a rez, and be prepared to protect her, preferably with your defence matrix.

Lin Galini

She's a very good counter to Pharah. She can eat Moira's Orbs. I kill people just by nuking them. Watch some gameplays to get an idea how to send her mech via different routes to damage the enemy team.

Jace Joestar

Learn ult spots or try to use your ult sneaky ^^ (example: fly out of sight and then use your ult)

Dusty Crow

Flash your tits and say nerf this

Michael Shane Thomas

I'd agree that she's more of an off tank, without shields. But don't let that discourage you. Use her matrix wisely, don't forget to knock flankers around with your boosters, and remember you're still pretty useful as naked D.Va. I'd also say to take care of snipers ASAP as her. She is one of the few who can get in close quick and take them down.

Danielle Des Roches

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