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Is it normal that after 40+ hours with Widowmaker, I still have.... like 1 good match...

  • Thread starter NightLunya Flandre Scarlet
  • Start date

NightLunya Flandre Scarlet

Is it normal that after 40+ hours with Widowmaker, I still have.... like 1 good match but 3-4 bad ones? Like it's almost lucky I have a good game.... but before... I was better and got better stats...
Is something wrong? The more I main Widow, the more I'm bad?

John Huk

That's how it works

Mohammed Al-Abode


Walter Lee

Because only certain maps and composition works with a widow.

Will Gaines

Some days you just land your shots and others you don't

Desi Miller

Same! I used to be great a widow, a least 4-5 headshot highlights a night. And the more that I’ve played, I’m only averaging about 16-20 eliminations per game.

Kelli Flynn

I'm like that with Widow and McCree. I have about 40 hours on both. I either am a god among men or a useless bean.

Grey Zell

Me as Hanzo :( 63 hours and I do better at Lucio, Moira and Mei evem though I got less either less tham 5 or 10 hours on them.... sad :(

NightLunya Flandre Scarlet

That's the same... I don't know... now I seriously doubt about playing Widow again because I feel it just won't work everytime :/ (despite having a PoTG recently with her.... I know PoTG means nothing too but still)

Lin Galini

Same... :/

Kyle Estes

Honestly if the enemy team is ignoring you. youll do better. if theres a person targeting you but your team covers you. youll do better. If the enemy team doesnt know how to position or strafe while firing youll do better. Its ALWAYS going to depend on the enemies skill and your ability to land your shots. And it almost is never going to be consistent. thats why people will always give you shit for playing her.

Tung Nguyen

Hours = Practice.
Knowledge promotes skill. I think it's a combination of both. But also, there's different maps, different characters, etc.

Ana Arteaga

You know, hours don't mean as much as you'd think. Maybe in those forty plus hours you've been playing mindlessly, maybe you haven't put effort into actually getting better. In other words, you might be playing too relaxed or casually.

When I first started playing Genji, the first five hours were five hours I learned nothing from. Then I actually started to care about getting better and did. Why did I die? What could I have done better? What can I do to land my shurikens (shots in your case) more accurately? Is it my sensitivity, my crosshair/my tracking, my aiming? What *is* preventing me from improving? These are the type of questions you should ask yourself when playing Widow.

Get theoretical at first, then apply.

Cornelia Klefelt

The better you get, the more critical you are towards yourself :)
And the thing with medals, I have almost 150hrs with Lucio and sometimes when I am doing AMAZING I won't have a lot of medals, because I'm doing amazing in positioning and stuff. However, I have games when i have 4/5 golds but I don't feel like I'm doing as well because I'm not using his kit right or helping my team out enough.

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