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I'm seeing so many posts looking for people to group with, and that's awesome, I love...


Kaili Jennings

I'm seeing so many posts looking for people to group with, and that's awesome, I love how the community operates.
But what bugs me about it is how little info is given in these "iso team" posts.

So many people either just give rank, or platform.

People are more likely to respond to posts where all the info is presented.
Many times they don't want to put in the effort of asking for more info.

Try to remember:
Main/preferred role
Frequency/time you play
Do you tilt
VC preference
Looking for serious comp team, just new friends to hang out with etc.

Efficiency is key in making a great team!
Happy new year, may you all find teams and be merry

Sammy Bourgeois

You had me and then kinda lost me.
Name, SR, Platform, and somewhat main, fair enough.

And most of these things are just fine to give, although I wouldn't expect all of them from every post, I think the above are the minimum expectation.

But "Do you tilt" and "VC preference" kinda get me. If it's comp, the correct answer is, yes, you will VC, so that goes along with whether or not you're looking for a serious competitive team. And if it's not comp, VC is pretty insignificant, mostly just for fun.

And who doesn't tilt after *some* breaking point? Asking if someone tilts is like asking them if they bite their cheek sometimes. Everyone does it, some more some less. And what are they supposed to say? "Yes, actually, the moment that a McCree on my team misses a flashbang on a Tracer I immediately start sending him death threats and hate :) "

Aside from those two I by large agree quite a lot.

Kaili Jennings

I know many teams, diamond and up, that don't actually use VC. Its their preference and how they want to play, I'm not here to judge that, and I understand that while my team always uses VC, others aren't comfortable with it or simply can't.
And that's also why I went over comp vs QP and making friends, sometimes VC is expected in both, or neither, again, all up to the groups preference; I'm not here to say what's "right", not everyone is going to play like me and my team, that's unrealistic it varies for everyone, but the information helps

And knowing if people constantly tilt is good information.
Not everyone wants to game with ragers, or, no one wants to game with people who are super chipper through losses either
Its so you don't get blindsided by either.
So you don't join a group where the person is yelling at his team/opposing team and now gotta distance yourself or bail.
Or so you doing join a group where you loose 100+SR and your team mate is all smiles saying " oh, well that's ok! Its just a game!"

Sammy Bourgeois

I just think that asking people to say that they're a rager puts them in a kind of unfair position. Don't get me wrong, folks always screaming into their mic calling people cucks etc is
... not preferable, they should work on that. But if I was a rager (I'm totally not haha) do you think I would want to say so? :/ I mean if I said I was trying to team with you, vs if I said I was a Symmetra main, you'd probably rather the Symmetra main

I guess but it is looking for teammates, and if you aren't at least talking to the person you're grouped with, for one why not just solo q comp then because for two, you're actually putting yourself at a disadvantage because comp will face you off against other groups, and those other groups probably are using communication being that that's the purpose of a group in general haha

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