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ill ask a stupid question, has anyone had good luck getting origin to run stable? i...


Justin Bell

ill ask a stupid question, has anyone had good luck getting origin to run stable? i know for me to run it i have to close out TeamViewer. but i still have issues with Games crashing. i do have an Ultra wide Monitor with a GTX 1060 6GB. X370 mobo from MSI, and i do have the Ryzen 1800X clocked at 4.0. i want to say it is an issue with my UltraWide monitor as some times when i have a game in a small window i can see, but once i go full screen all i see is black..... i do not have any 3rd part sites for UltraWide monitors, but that is my next thing im doing. i know Origin is garbage as well lol

Shamie-Ray Samuel Ramsamuj

I use origin cause mass effect 2 was free sometime ago and it never crashed on me.

Steam and ubishit on the other hand...

Justin Bell

i have no issues with Steam, just Origin :'(

Christopher Montgomery

Sounds like your PS is browning out to me.

Kane Hewson

Why do you have teamviewer running anyway? You should only have necessary stuff running, turn all that crap off on startup

Justin Bell

Kane Hewson i keep TV running so i can access my computer from work :p

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