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PC I have time today to do the raid, I never did it yet but can learn very quickly. All...

  • Thread starter Marc-Alexandre Simard
  • Start date

Marc-Alexandre Simard

I have time today to do the raid, I never did it yet but can learn very quickly. All class are 303-304 .
If you have a spot available and feel helping someone experienced that beautiful raid let me know.

Thanks and Good Luck.

Randy Salzwedel Jr

Watch the youtube videos for the raid then you atleast have an idea of what needs to be done. Then make a new post or lfg saying you have done the raid before. You will be a lot better off finding someone then.

Marc-Alexandre Simard

yeah you might be right. I do know every fight actually alraedy studied all the event in the raid. But knowing it and doing it are 2 different things. I'll find a group someday !

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