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i have a story i want to share, very heartwarming, im dedicating this post to this man...


Paul Rigg

i have a story i want to share, very heartwarming, im dedicating this post to this man i met.
was on the bus today and while riding along i heard a seat in front of me a older man singing a song i liked called "American Pie by Don Mclean" while looking at a picture of himself 37 years ago next to a dark blue truck that i found familiar. i said "nice truck" he looked and said "more then anyone will ever know" i said "do tell" i moved up and sat next to him and he said "when i was 25 my dad died and all he left me was his truck, this Ford Bronco and with no place to go, i lived in it for 5 years, in that time i did delivery jobs of all kinds, towed peoples cars for cheap and when i ran out of gas and money i bargained for it, during the 5 years of working not one part on the truck went out and the tires that should have went didn't. one day i was parked, out of gas, out of money, out of bargains but not out of ideas. sat on my hood and had a sign that said need fuel not food. a lady gave me 10$ and i thanked her greatly and moved on. 2 days later my engine block cracked and i was dead in the water and sat in that truck day in day out trying to think of a way to get the truck running seeings it was my livelihood. on the 17th day a police officer told me i couldn't sit there no more and i said yes sir and when they left i began pushing it. i pushed it for 3 blocks to a abandoned dirt area and camped there. on the 5th day there i wake up in the morning from a knock on my window and find that same police officer again who tells me you cant sit stranded out in public. i said sorry sir ill move to somewhere more secluded. when the cop pulled off i began pushing my truck again however i wasn't aware the cop turned to catch me just moving a block but found me pushing my truck. he pulled up behind and said need help? i said if it don't cost me, he said if you look on my car it says "to serve" so he helped push my truck and i noticed he pushed me into a neighborhood and in front of a house. i looked around as i got out and he said i should kill ya for not asking my sister out when you had the chance, now go up there and ask her out so she will shut up about you with a laugh. i laughed and said have i met her? suddenly i look up the steps and there was the lady that gave the 10$ and i said oh ya i did. we walked down to a take out and got some burgers and fries." he looks at me says " i think you know how this story ends" i said "you married her?" he said "of course, i was gonna be arrested if i didn't!" and we both laughed. he asked me to walk with him and so i did. coming up to his house there was the lady sitting on the porch and up in the back of driveway there was his dark blue ford bronco with that same still cracked engine block. i said "why not fix it?" he says "at first i didn't have the money but then years back i realized why my dad gave me that truck, he didn't give me a truck, he gave me a home and a life that came with it and strangely after 5 years of constant running where nothing went wrong, the truck stopped itself to tell me to stop running and if it wasn't for that cracked engine, i wouldn't have met Rita." i said "so you clean it and keep it pristine but you'll never fix that engine?" he said one day i might" i said "i do have emotional thoughts on cars no matter the kind, you took care of the truck and it took care of you but the engine block crack wasn't the truck." he says "oh ya?" i said "ya, it was your dad, he had it planned from the start, you may not have noticed, but he was riding with you every step of the way, that is why nothing went wrong until he made it and when he did, he gave you this, a home, a life." he broke into tears and gave me a hug and said "thanks kid" i said "ill spread your story, its a good one".


Nathan Barratt

so basicly if you want you dick wetting get a bust up bronco

Erlend Barstad Lindgren

^you just ruined the story

Erlend Barstad Lindgren


Key Bales

Good story mate

Brandon Scott

Wicked story!

Junebug Will

I like this. I'm Gunna share this

Brayden J Reakes

Great story

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